Queen Kitty

A few nice photo of animals images I found:

Queen Kitty
photo of animals
Image by Randi Deuro
Ruling her kingdom of dogs

phone home... 161365
photo of animals
Image by paloetic
** Palo, Tiny here ...
Tiny? Where are you? What's wrong?
** Well, I'm in the Middle of Nowhere
I know where that is, that's a mile from Up and Around the Bend
***Yeah, ... I'm at the diner .. can you pick me up
Sure, what happened with the circus?
*** long story ... and Palo ...can you come quick, I'm down to my last 30 cents, and
Yes, Tiny ...
*** There's one more thing ... a little blue bear is following me. He thinks he's all secret agent like, but he's been following me ever since I left home ...
Oh, really ... Tiny I'm on my way .. sit tight ...

161/365 Toy Project
161/365 One Object 365 Project and
submitted to artistic temperament scavenger hunt clue: #57 phone home
Backdrop credits to angelandspot and gabibutcher

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