Recent Movies

Nile Crocodile

A few nice animal sanctuary images I found:

Nile Crocodile
animal sanctuary
Image by Richard Pluck
Taken at the Chipangali Animal Sanctuary

Midnight at the heart of the Sanctuary
animal sanctuary
Image by The Donkey Sanctuary

Midnight at the heart of the Sanctuary
animal sanctuary
Image by The Donkey Sanctuary

Nice Animal Jobs photos

Check out these animal jobs images:

animal jobs
Image by Emmepi79

Bimbi con HIV
animal jobs
Image by Emmepi79

animal jobs
Image by Emmepi79

Cool Wild Animals images

A few nice wild animals images I found:

Milk Frog
wild animals
Image by Santiago Ron
Trachycephalus sp. from Amazonian Ecuador.

Animal market

Some cool animal images:

Animal market
Image by Evgeni Zotov
Kashgar, Xinjiang

Cool Animal Friends images

Some cool animal friends images:

Man's Best Friends
animal friends
Image by szeke
Loro Parque in Tenerife has dolphin, sea lion and orca shows similar to those of Sea World in San Diego. The shows in Loro Parque have a Spanish touch and feature several numbers with slow music. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

'Flossy' bunny and friends
animal friends
Image by Stitcher Scribbler
Made from angora sweaters, sweet little bunnies, with embroidered features and fabric dresses and bows.

Made by me
(Easter 2008)

When you comin' home dad, I don't know when....
animal friends
Image by and on for the summer
the look of loyalty and patience

Nice Plush Stuffed Animals photos

Check out these plush stuffed animals images:

Abby Wombat
plush stuffed animals
Image by 2 little banshees

Plaid Wombat
plush stuffed animals
Image by 2 little banshees

Cool Pet Animals images

A few nice pet animals images I found:

Buma, die weiße Schönheit - Buma the white beauty
pet animals
Image by Jorbasa
November 2009
Nachbarkater - cat of the neighborhood

Meet Mo! [R.I.P. - december 15th 2009]
pet animals
Image by Harm Rhebergen
Mo is our neighbour who's always sitting in our backyard. He's such a sweet little boy.. This is my first picture taken with my new Canon 24-105 F4 lens!

Update: Sadly our neighbours little buddy died december 15. He was very ill. Rest in peace little buddy

kurze Pause - taking a break
pet animals
Image by Jorbasa
August 2011
6 Monate

Oscar Wild(e)

Cool Animal Cruelty images

Some cool animal cruelty images:

protest against animal abuse
animal cruelty
Image by AnimaNaturalis
Anima naturalis performs every saturday of August a protest at the circo Roma Dola's main entrance for the use and abuse of animal in their shows.

Cool Animals Photos images

A few nice animals photos images I found:

animals photos
Image by Paulo Brandão
Rapa das bestas en San Cibrán @ Monte Xiabre, Pontevedra, Galicia ( España 2007 )

if you want to use one of my photos, USE IT, but give me some feedback please

visit my blog | see my WEBSITE


ARARA VERMELHA - Na quarentena... foto fresquinha tirada agorinha
animals photos
Image by Ana_Cotta
um dos locais que trabalho...onde os animais apreendidos e doentes são cuidados...não fiz nenhum corte na foto e nem nada...


ESPÉCIE AMEAÇADA DE EXTINÇÃO. Ave cujas coberteiras médias superiores das asas são amarelas, coloração predominante vermelha, face inteiramente branca e nua. Mede 85 a 90cm em média, pesa em torno de 800g, vive nas matas e em beiras de rios, geralmente aos pares ou em grupos familiares. A arara vermelha prefere viver em florestas não pertubadas. Se alimenta de frutas, larvas, brotos, castanhas, flores, sementes e néctar, também come barro encontrados em bordas de rios. Ninguém sabe com certeza o porque ela que tem esse hábito, mas o barro parece ajudar a arara a digerir químicos tóxicos encontrados nos frutos que come. Pode viver de 40 a 60 anos e atinge a maturidade sexual aos 3 anos. As penas da sua cauda medem até mais de um metro, por isso fazem os seus ninhos nos ocos do alto das árvores, como palmeiras e fendas de falésias. O ninho costuma abrigar somente o seu corpo, ficando a cauda para fora, denunciando-a. São monogâmicas, isto é, forma casal para a vida toda. O período reprodutivo ocorre entre os meses de inverno e primavera. A fêmea coloca de 2 a 4 ovos em intervalos de 2 a 4 dias entre um ovo e outro. O período de incubação dura cerca de 28 dias. O macho é responsável por alimentar a fêmea durante todo este período, trazendo o alimento em seu papo e regurgitando quando chega ao ninho. Os filhotes nascem completamente sem penas, aparecendo-as somente após a quarta semana, ficando todo emplumado só por volta da décima semana. Permanecem no ninho entre 3 e 4 meses, sendo alimentados várias vezes ao dia com uma papa vegetal pré-digerida que é regurgitada pelos pais. Após 12 semanas os filhotes saem do ninho já com aspecto semelhante aos adultos. Mesmo após abandonarem o ninho, continuam sendo alimentados pelos pais por algum tempo, até serem capazes de encontrar seu próprio alimento sozinho. O filhote geralmente permanece com os pais por mais de dois anos. Os adultos não procriam novamente até seus filhotes deixarem os ninhos, como resultado, o número de araras vermelhas cresce lentamente. As penas da cauda e asas, só irão atingir o seu comprimento máximo quando tornam-se adultos e aos dois anos já vão exibir essa plumagem. A arara adora tomar banho de chuva. Ela rói madeira, arrancando cascas de árvores para exercitar a musculatura da mandíbula. A arara é capaz de articular sons imitando palavras humanas ou vozes de outros animais. É uma ave de fôlego curto, não cruza longas distâncias, não voa muito. Mas é apta a mover-se entre os ramos das árvores, graças ao formato do bico e de suas patas, a posição dos dedos e o bico curvo e rígido, articulando-se para cima, enquanto que o bico inferior articula-se para frente, para trás e para os lados. Considerado a terceira pata dos papagaios e araras, tornando esta uma das mais engenhosas maravilhas adaptativas da natureza, nas araras formam poderosas pinças, pois são reforçadas com músculos possantes bem fixados no crânio, sendo que a maxila está ligada ao crânio por uma espécie de dobradiça tendinosa, formando uma alavanca capaz de quebrar as mais resistentes cascas invólucras de sementes. Contam também com uma grossa língua musculosa e rugosa, coberta por uma epiderme córnea que a protege das ásperas sementes. No caso das araras é usada para segurar o alimento enquanto precisa descascar o fruto, apertando-a contra os maxilares. O bico é robusto, em forma de gancho, e dos quatro dedos, dois dirigem-se para frente e dois para trás (pé zigodáctilo). A arara manipula o alimento com o pé. Ao partir em busca de frutas, sementes ou brotos que constituem sua alimentação, emitem gritos estridentes, com grande alarido. Quando muito faminta, chega a devastar plantações inteiras. Muito decorativas, suas penas são até hoje empregadas pelos índios como adornos de cocares. Também é conhecida por Aracanga, Araracanga, Ararapiranga, Arara-Macau. Infelizmente o desmatamento e o tráfico ilegal de animais silvestres tem dizimado populações inteiras destas coloridas aves. Esta arara consta como ornamento do primeiro mapa do Brasil, datado do ano de 1502. Existem indícios de que os descobridores europeus já haviam encontrado Ara macao na última década do século XV, em 1498, na desembocadura do Rio Orinoco. Habitante das matas e beiras de rios, encontrada originalmente do México à Amazônia até o norte de Mato Grosso, sudeste do Pará, Maranhão e Bolívia. Distribui-se nas florestas das Américas Central e do Sul, do México ao Brasil. No Brasil, pode ser encontradas no Amazonas, no Nordeste e nas regiões do Planalto Central.

You loves me...yes?
animals photos
Image by Glenda.Wilburn


A few nice wild animals images I found:

wild animals
Stingray sandbar, Grand Cayman

Here there be dragons

Some cool photos of animals images:

Here there be dragons
photos of animals
Image by EJP Photo

Ready to Strike
photos of animals
Image by Stuck in Customs
Thanks all! For you, here are the most Popular Pictures you dig from my stream. Thanks again!

I found this guy in some caves just outside of Kuala Lumpur. I've always wanted one for a pet because it is both eccentric and people might mistake me for a bond villain. I understand these can be house-trained even. Well, one of these can be house-trained and the other kind, that looks similar, is quite dangerous and the bacteria in his saliva can kill you. So, since I always get Gila Monsters and Iguanas confused, I never ended up getting one because I would hate to bring home the wrong thing.

This was a single-shot HDR. It really helped to bring out all the texture and color in the scales. It was shot at a low f-stop to keep the focus on the creature, rather than its surroundings.

from my daily photo blog at

Nice Animals Endangered photos

Check out these animals endangered images:

Harlequin Toad
animals endangered
Image by bsmith4815
Very endangered Toad...

Boycott the NFL football team, the Philadelphia Eagles, for selecting convicted criminal Michael Vick

A few nice animal abuse images I found:

Boycott the NFL football team, the Philadelphia Eagles, for selecting convicted criminal Michael Vick
animal abuse
Image by Beverly & Pack
Picture of convicted criminal, Michael Vick, by Mike Licht,'s
Note: He's licking his chops all the way to the bank...

Latest update, 8/14/09, from Kinship Circle found here.

A Pitbull Prayer

Spirit in the sky, who watches over all animals. It is my prayer and my request
that you grant greater understanding,
and acceptance to humans; those who love us, and those who hate us.

That they will know how loyal we are, how brave we are, and how loving we are.
Help them to accept us as a breed in whole, and not let the few
tragedies shine brighter than the many great traits that we have.

And those who would kill me, let them know, I forgive them,
even though I don't understand their hatred.
And those who would beat me, let them know I still love them,
even though it is not the honorable way.

Thank you for all the strong traits that you have given to me, and my breed.
Help those to know that I stand for courage,
strength, loyalty, and bravery. And as my master already knows,
let those who would come against
my family know that I would surely die defending them.

And just one last thing that I would ask: Let my master know, that if you
should call me away, that I will wait patiently at those
pearly gates until the one who chose me, comes home.


Minkbur på pelsfarm
animal abuse
Image by Nettverk for dyrs frihet (Net. for Animal Freedom)
Bilde fra en norsk pelsfarm (2008).
Foto: Nettverk for dyrs frihet


Picture from a norwegian fur farm (2008).
Photo: Nettverk for dyrs frihet (Network for Animal Freedom

Cool Stuffed Animals images

A few nice stuffed animals images I found:

Croc with Crocs
stuffed animals
Image by Atelier Teee
Stuffed toy crocodile wearing Crocs shoes seen in a store window at Fishermen's Village in Punta Gorda, Florida.

Tenuous Link: Crocs

Sherbert and a stuffed animal
stuffed animals
Image by glenmcbethlaw

One hand
stuffed animals
Image by Ninja M.
Poor stuffed frog had his armed remove from an angry pomerianan. The dogs are like wookies; they rip your arm out of your socket when they lose.

Either that or the frog was a Jedi and lost a lightsaber duel

Cats with lobster

Some cool animal names images:

Cats with lobster
animal names
Image by Boston Public Library
File name: 08_06_000952

Title: Cats with lobster

Creator/Contributor: Jones, Leslie, 1886-1967 (photographer)

Date created: 1917 - 1934 (approximate)

Physical description: 1 negative : glass, black & white ; 4 x 5 in.

Genre: Glass negatives

Subjects: Cats; Lobsters

Notes: Title from information provided by Leslie Jones or the Boston Public Library on the negative or negative sleeve.; Date supplied by cataloger.

Collection: Leslie Jones Collection

Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department

Rights: Copyright © Leslie Jones.

Preferred citation: Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.

Dog in camera
animal names
Image by Boston Public Library
File name: 08_06_000920

Title: Dog in camera

Creator/Contributor: Jones, Leslie, 1886-1967 (photographer)

Date created: 1917 - 1934 (approximate)

Physical description: 1 negative : glass, black & white ; 4 x 5 in.

Genre: Glass negatives

Subjects: Dogs

Notes: Title from information provided by Leslie Jones or the Boston Public Library on the negative or negative sleeve.; Date supplied by cataloger.

Collection: Leslie Jones Collection

Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department

Rights: Copyright © Leslie Jones.

Preferred citation: Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.

Army dog mascot
animal names
Image by Boston Public Library
File name: 08_06_000960

Title: Army dog mascot

Creator/Contributor: Jones, Leslie, 1886-1967 (photographer)

Date created: 1917 - 1934 (approximate)

Physical description: 1 negative : glass, black & white ; 4 x 5 in.

Genre: Glass negatives

Subjects: Dogs

Notes: Title from information provided by Leslie Jones or the Boston Public Library on the negative or negative sleeve.; Date supplied by cataloger.

Collection: Leslie Jones Collection

Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department

Rights: Copyright © Leslie Jones.

Preferred citation: Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.

August 28, 2009 5:12 PM

A few nice animal protection images I found:

August 28, 2009 5:12 PM
animal protection
Image by Barbara.Doduk
Treats for the kitties.

Cool Animal Photos images

Some cool animal photos images:

animal photos
Image by Mohammed Alnaser
not surprised the owl was flirting, it was ME taking the pic loool :P

I know the focus is not good :S

Go Away
animal photos
Image by PsychoScheiko

Rush hour

Some cool pictures of animals images:

Rush hour
pictures of animals
Image by Arenamontanus
Taking pictures of carabids is tricky, they refuse to sit still. Here a Notiophilus biguttatus is rushing past a Harpalus latus. N. biguttatus is always *really* hyper and shiny.

Passing the Buck

A few nice wild animals images I found:

Passing the Buck
wild animals
Image by Scott Ableman
Almost drove by this guy as I was approaching the Chain Bridge on Saturday.
Luckily my daughter saw him (and I had my long lense in the car).

View My Sets

Fergus and Aimee

Check out these all about animals images:

Fergus and Aimee
all about animals
Image by Elrenia_Greenleaf
We’d seen a poster outside the butchers in Castle Douglas (which, incidentally has the nicest sausages this side of the border so if you’re ever in the area, pay it a visit :D) for an ‘open day’ to raise money for a local donkey sanctuary and it had a photograph of a lovely fuzzy donkey who went by the name of Vodka on it.

It transpired that all three were rescues. Vodka, who had been imported to France from somewhere else, had been rescued from the meat trade, scared and unconfident, with her long shaggy coat all matted and muddy. A bar in Glasgow has sponsored her, I can’t remember the name of it right now, only that it had ‘Vodka’ in the title but I’m sure I’d seen her in an ad campaign once before, so it was extra nice to meet her. She was by far one of the friendliest donkeys I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and was VERY interested in Nigel. Her flag like ears pricked as she sniffed him and she was utterly transfixed.

Then there was Fergus, a tiny little jack who got very jealous when he was ignored for more than a minute. (remind you of anyone?) I can’t remember his history but regardless of what it was, he was adorable, if a little grumpy.

Aimee, I think was the name of the other jenny, a gorgeous little pinto who I only really saw the head and legs of as the rest of her was covered in a rug to help ease her sweet itch. She had been a racing donkey and had competed in several ‘Donkey Derbys’ before coming here. The cobs, who I never ‘met’ were grazing the muddy paddock in the background, blatantly ignoring everyone else

I picked up a leaflet with pictures of all the donkeys at this other sanctuary and their stories. There was also a section with some of the horses that would be going to the slaughterhouse in France shortly with prices and details about them. It was heartbreaking, seeing all these animals with such potential looking at their own demise. There were even two mares and foals, one was in foal at the same time as well. It said that they’d be going to Italy where it is legal to kill pregnant mares for meat.

I can’t even begin to put into words how wrong that is, I just can’t.

If I had the money, god, if only I had money.

all about animals
Image by Elrenia_Greenleaf
We’d seen a poster outside the butchers in Castle Douglas (which, incidentally has the nicest sausages this side of the border so if you’re ever in the area, pay it a visit :D) for an ‘open day’ to raise money for a local donkey sanctuary and it had a photograph of a lovely fuzzy donkey who went by the name of Vodka on it.

It transpired that all three were rescues. Vodka, who had been imported to France from somewhere else, had been rescued from the meat trade, scared and unconfident, with her long shaggy coat all matted and muddy. A bar in Glasgow has sponsored her, I can’t remember the name of it right now, only that it had ‘Vodka’ in the title but I’m sure I’d seen her in an ad campaign once before, so it was extra nice to meet her. She was by far one of the friendliest donkeys I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and was VERY interested in Nigel. Her flag like ears pricked as she sniffed him and she was utterly transfixed.

Then there was Fergus, a tiny little jack who got very jealous when he was ignored for more than a minute. (remind you of anyone?) I can’t remember his history but regardless of what it was, he was adorable, if a little grumpy.

Aimee, I think was the name of the other jenny, a gorgeous little pinto who I only really saw the head and legs of as the rest of her was covered in a rug to help ease her sweet itch. She had been a racing donkey and had competed in several ‘Donkey Derbys’ before coming here. The cobs, who I never ‘met’ were grazing the muddy paddock in the background, blatantly ignoring everyone else

I picked up a leaflet with pictures of all the donkeys at this other sanctuary and their stories. There was also a section with some of the horses that would be going to the slaughterhouse in France shortly with prices and details about them. It was heartbreaking, seeing all these animals with such potential looking at their own demise. There were even two mares and foals, one was in foal at the same time as well. It said that they’d be going to Italy where it is legal to kill pregnant mares for meat.

I can’t even begin to put into words how wrong that is, I just can’t.

If I had the money, god, if only I had money.

Nice Animal Rights photos

Check out these animal rights images:

Hollywood, FL, March 26, 2011, Rally for the Right to Know
animal rights
Image by MillionsAgainstMonsanto
The Florida Chapter of Millions Against Monsanto is at it again, holding a 'World Food Day' Rally on October 16, 2011. RSVP:



Sovereign Silver, Kopali Organics & The Yellow Green Market Present:

*Rally for the Right to Know for World Food Day*

This World Food Day, people all around the country are getting out to bring 1,000,000 people into the Millions Against Monsanto campaign for labels on genetically engineered foods.

We'll come together at community gardens, farmers markets, grocery stores, non-GMO potlucks, film showings and Right2Know rallies to educate our communities about the dangers of Monsanto's seeds and pesticides and demonstrate how much better organic, GMO-free eating can be.

'The Yellow Green Farmers Market, Taft Street , Hollywood, FL
We want GMO's BANNED or Labeled! See you there! Solidarity!

DATE AND TIME: SUNDAY, October, 16th. 2011 (12:00-3:00PM)

Mel: 561.213.7587
Atiya: 954.661.5387
The Yellow Green Farmers Market: Tel: 954.513.3990
General Information:

The Yellow Green Farmers Market
1940 North 30th Road, Hollywood FL 33021

DIRECTIONS: (detailed directions below)


◆Robert Scott Bell from the Robert Scott Bell Show
◆Dr. Lynn Lafferty, Pharm.D., N.D.,CNC, CNHP, Doctor of Pharmacy and licensed pharmacist, naturopath, herbalist, nutritionist and chef.
Dr. Lafferty sees patients in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton FL.
305.450.0325 954.485.7301
◆Trish – 10 reason’s to avoid GMO's.
◆Marcus Thomson, Permaculture Miami 954.856.3775 www.healthymarcus/
◆Organic Farmer 'TBA'

◆Blue Sky Drive
◆Hunter Altshul

◆Sovereign Silver
◆Life Extension Foundation
◆Organic Snacks donated by: Kopali Organics
◆Children's Activities: Tera Faso Macaroni Kids 954.562.2838
◆South Florida Food Not Bombs - Jilly - 813.598.8925
◆Drum Circle: Howard Drum.
◆Solar Energy Provided by: Paul Farren @ The Energy store Hlywd.


◆Institute for Responsible Technology◆

◆Organic Consumers Association/Millions Against Monsanto Campaign◆
◆ We have the right to know and want GMO's BANNED or labeled.
◆We want an end to factory farmed and abused animals.
(force-fed with GM feed and GM growth hormones).
◆ We want independent, long-term studies, showing the TRUTH about
the harmful effects of GM crops.
◆We want organics and biodiversity of seed stock preserved.
◆ Help support our local farmers & save our bees!
◆Stop the Revolving door between Monsanto, and lobbyists, our Gov't., the USDA, FDA and EPA.

◆ Set-off allergies
◆ Increase cancer risks
◆Damage soil fertility
◆ Produce antibiotic resistant pathogens
◆Damage food quality
◆ Harm Pollinators, Monarch butterflies & beneficial insects such as ladybugs
◆ Create super-pests, super-weeds, & new and unknown plant & human viruses
◆ Produce dangerous toxins
◆ Increase use of toxic pesticides
◆ Contaminate organic and conventional, non-GMO crops

If you are concerned about genetically engineered foods (GMO), act now! Here are some things you should know before you eat out at a restaurant or buy any foods or beverages from your local grocery store:

▶ Independent laboratory tests and industry disclosures indicate that upwards of 80% of all non-organic foods contain ingredients from genetically engineered (GE) crops or factory farmed animals given
GE feed and shot up with GE hormones & vaccines.
▶ Despite growing public concern over the safety of Monsanto’s Frankenfoods, the US government refuses to require safety-testing or labeling for genetically engineered foods.
▶ Monsanto’s Round-Up Ready corn, soy, cotton, canola, and now sugar beets and alfalfa are designed to withstand massive doses of weed killers. Since these crops were first introduced in the 1990s, the use of toxic pesticides has increased dramatically.
▶ Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST) is now owned by Eli Lilly and has come under fire from Breast Cancer Action for links between the consumption of hormone tainted animal products and rates of breast, colon, and prostate cancer and, the early onset of puberty in our children.
▶ Following Monsanto’s lead in GE crops and hormones, the biotech industry is moving into genetically engineered animals. Frankenfish, (GMO salmon) could soon be what’s for dinner. -Or- The Enviropig.
▶ And the biotech industry won’t stop there. Products of nanotechnology and synthetic biology are quickly becoming the new Frankenfoods.










From I-95 heading North
Take exit 21 for FL-822 Sheridan St, turn right at Sheridan St, take the 1st right onto N 28th Ave, turn right at Taft St, take the 3rd right onto N 30th Rd, the Farmers Market will be on the left.

From I-95 heading South
Take exit 21 for Sheridan St, turn right at Sheridan St, turn left at N Park Rd, turn left at Taft St, take the 3rd left (N 30th Road), the Farmers Market will be on the left.

From US-1 Going North
Take US-1 N, turn left at Taft St, 1.6 miles turn right just pass the RR tracks on N 30th Rd, the Farmers Market will be on the left.

From US-1 Going South
Take US-1 S, turn right at Taft St, go 1.6 miles, turn right at N 30th Rd just after the RR tracks, the Farmers Market will be on the left.

Located right next to I95, just off Taft St. at 1940 North 30th Road, the Yellow Green Farmers Market offers easy accessibility from anywhere in South Florida.

The market is accessible VIA Tri-rail or bus, and customers are encouraged to continue the green theme with a bike friendly atmosphere. Ample free parking is available.

i'm seriously freaking out right now.
animal rights
Image by the queen of subtle
on the pier at seward. they clean and cut up the day's catch right there.


Nice Animal Jobs photos

Check out these animal jobs images:

One Eyed Leopard
animal jobs
Image by virtualwayfarer
Photos were taken during a 6 day Safari in South Luangwa National Park in Northern Eastern Zambia. The safari company I used was Shenton Safaris who did an incredible job. We had great luck and had the chance to see a number of wild cats going about their daily routines.

These animals are incredible. Their power, their presence, and their beauty.

To learn more about the visit please check out my blog - If you have questions about an image feel free to tweet me at @AlexBerger.


Some cool extinct animals images:

extinct animals
Image by BethanyWeeks
Red Wolf (Canis rufus)

It is a North American canid which once roamed throughout the Southeastern United States and is a glacial period survivor of the Late Pleistocene epoch. Based on fossil and archaeological evidence, the original red wolf range extended throughout the Southeast, from the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, north to the Ohio River Valley and central Pennsylvania, and west to central Texas and southeastern Missouri. Historical habitats included forests, swamps, and coastal prairies, where it was an apex predator. The red wolf became extinct in the wild by 1980. 1987 saw a reintroduction in northeastern North Carolina through a captive breeding program and the animals are considered to be successfully breeding in the wild. -

Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
August 29, 2011

extinct animals
Image by BethanyWeeks
Red Wolf (Canis rufus)

It is a North American canid which once roamed throughout the Southeastern United States and is a glacial period survivor of the Late Pleistocene epoch. Based on fossil and archaeological evidence, the original red wolf range extended throughout the Southeast, from the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, north to the Ohio River Valley and central Pennsylvania, and west to central Texas and southeastern Missouri. Historical habitats included forests, swamps, and coastal prairies, where it was an apex predator. The red wolf became extinct in the wild by 1980. 1987 saw a reintroduction in northeastern North Carolina through a captive breeding program and the animals are considered to be successfully breeding in the wild. -

Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
August 29, 2011

extinct animals
Image by BethanyWeeks
Red Wolf (Canis rufus)

It is a North American canid which once roamed throughout the Southeastern United States and is a glacial period survivor of the Late Pleistocene epoch. Based on fossil and archaeological evidence, the original red wolf range extended throughout the Southeast, from the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, north to the Ohio River Valley and central Pennsylvania, and west to central Texas and southeastern Missouri. Historical habitats included forests, swamps, and coastal prairies, where it was an apex predator. The red wolf became extinct in the wild by 1980. 1987 saw a reintroduction in northeastern North Carolina through a captive breeding program and the animals are considered to be successfully breeding in the wild. -

Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
August 29, 2011


Check out these animal pics images:

animal pics
Image by capsicina 
milk was GOOD!!!thanks Mum!!
look here for more pics

animal pics
Image by pierre pouliquin
Random visit Or my pics on darckr

Wooly Donkeys in their Summer home
animal pics
Image by ellenm1
Just before a storm, too - see the rest of the pics for the cloud they were under.
About my Creative Commons images

Visit my site:

Cool Pictures Of Animals images

Some cool pictures of animals images:

Take Only Pictures, Leave Only Pawprints
pictures of animals
Image by greenkayak73
Tracks! Man, dog, and raccoon.

Cotton and I explored the small island for about 20 minutes. She spotted the tracks first [of course] and I followed her. They disappeared into the marsh a short distance away.

May River. Bluffton, South Carolina.

pictures of animals
Image by kswx_29
Everytime I go to take pictures of her she starts yawning. Kinda like she was saying "Whaaattt?"