20080515 - mothra - 156-5673 - Oranjello and the moth

Some cool video of animals images:

20080515 - mothra - 156-5673 - Oranjello and the moth
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Oranjello likes to play with his food. Here he is seeming a little apprehensive about taking another swat at it.

BACKSTORY: This HUUUGE moth fell into our house from the back kitchen door. We called it "Mothra"; a common christening for house moths of this size. This was to be a good opportunity for Oranjello to satisfy his hunting urges, as well as to train him to hunt pests -- since we have the occasional mice and snakes (and raccoons!). It also proved to be an excellent photo-op.

Oranjello the cat, Mothra.

kitchen, downstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

May 15, 2008.

... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
... Read Carolyn's blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com

...Several Mothra videos were taken with our camera.
1) Carolyn freaking out at Mothra's discovery: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU4-9Nh18cQ
2) Oranjello hunting Mothra: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnkcFjzUAKA
3) Oranjello attacking Mothra, Carolyn helping lift him up: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPhjhM4GMC8
4) Oranjello gives up too easy: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmuHgZOT6UI
5) Oranjello meowing because he wants Mothra: www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOBaWqSiJ-E
6) Carolyn FREAKING OUT when Mothra flew on her: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO0JyDhTbg8

20080329 - Oranjello, the new kitten - 152-5285 - Oranjello - on the couch
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Is he throwin' down a gang sign?? Or is he just in the hizouse??? ..... And look how spiky his hair is! We didn't realize he was a longhair! Though as he has grown older, the hair has stayed the same length, so he no longer looks as longhair as he originally did.

BACKSTORY: We got a new kitten! Read about our adventures of buying it from a drunken alcoholic sporting a mullet here: clintjcl.wordpress.com/2008/03/29/journal-got-our-cat-tod... ... This guy was crazy.

DoubleMint gum, Oranjello the cat, couch.

upstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

March 29, 2008.

... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
... Read Carolyn's blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com

...View video of Oranjello exploring our couch for the first time at www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUVDLFS9nq0

20100320 - Vicky & Ryan's wedding - post-ceremony - 0 - nature trail - foxes - GEDC1762-GEDC1761
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
The museum's nature trail was open for a brief period after the wedding ceremony / before the wedding reception.

These foxes seemed sooo bored in their tiny cage. All they did is run around for the most part.

Of course, I've seen real foxes in my back yard, and they are quite skittish.

laying down, running, whistling.
fox, foxes.

nature trail, Virginia Living Museum, Newport News, Virginia.

March 20, 2010.

... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com

... Read Ryan's blog at www.ideonexus.com/
... View Ryan's photos at www.flickr.com/photos/ideonexus/
... Read Vicky's blog at tgaw.wordpress.com/
... View Vicky's photos at www.flickr.com/photos/tgaw/

BACKSTORY: Carolyn's sister Vicky, and my longtime friend and ex-roommate Ryan S got married!! And now I'm finally back up to 3 brother-in-laws again! :)

BACKSTORY: Carolyn's sister Vicky, and my longtime friend and ex-roommate Ryan S got married!! And now I'm finally back up to 3 brother-in-laws again! :)

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