Nice Animal Plant photos

Check out these animal plant images:

animal plant
Image by BlueRidgeKitties
Arctium lappa growing at the Daniel Boone Native Gardens. This plant is actually not native, but introduced from Eurasia. It literally hangs on to animals to spread its seeds. The velcro-like hooks on the ends of the individual seeds serve to cling on to fur and clothing, eventually being brushed off again in another location down the trail by the animal or human they hitched a ride with. We call the plant and its fruits "Klette" in Germany and also use the same term to describe a clingy individual who just won't leave you alone thus becoming a nuisance.

A stranger in the garage
animal plant
Image by jaci XIII
original photo by gill4kleuren
squirrel photo by public-domain-photos
garage photo by
flowers by MaureenOlder

animal plant
Image by enbodenumer
Inachis io; Syn.: Nymphalis io (Tagpfauenauge) auf Targetes erecta

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