A few nice facts about animals images I found:
have no fear
Image by elycefeliz
“You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
~ David Harkins
Fear Not is a community-based art project that creates an anti-fear environment both on the street and in art spaces. The ongoing exhibition will include over 150 images of Fear Not Indirect Mail that has been delivered on the streets of San Francisco, Oakland, Brisbane, Austin, Chicago, Nashville, Kapa’a, and Wailua in the United States, Karlsruhe in Germany, and Florence and Milan in Italy, and London in England will be on view. Fear Not Indirect Mail involves participants writing anti-fear messages on postcards that are turned into magnets and placed somewhere out in the community (on bus stops, street signs, etc.) for someone else to find.
Fear Not Project website
Jennifer Maria Harris: "I have shown my work in traditional art venues for many years, but I have also always created artworks that exist outside of those spaces and that invite and involve people from all walks of life, even some who might not feel comfortable in, or interested in, a gallery or museum.
In the fall of 2007 I read an interview in The Sun magazine with Irish poet and philosopher John O'Donohue. The interview focused on questions of spirituality and creativity, and along the way it mentioned that the phrase "Do not be afraid" appears 366 times in the Bible. I imagined the person who had gone through over a thousand pages looking for that one message, and it made me think about how we are constantly making choices with regard to filtering the information around us, whether that's information from the Bible or another religious text, from friends and family, or from our own thoughts. That made me interested in creating a project that would make those choices more transparent.
As human animals, it is natural for us to choose to focus on and communicate about what to be afraid of. In our current culture, where we are surrounded by an overwhelming amount of information from around the globe, this results in an equally overwhelming amount of fear-oriented messages, both in our mass media and in the information we share with each other.
The Fear Not project seeks to address this culture of fear, which cuts across communities and contributes to the divisions in our society, by inviting people to consciously deliver anti-fear messages to each other and create a culture of Fear Not. The messages tell people not to be afraid, but I don't think the power behind the message is in the words. It's in the reminder that we can choose to see those words in the world around us. It's in the reminder that we can then choose to pass those words on. It's in the fact that someone else chose to share them with us, without regard for our race, religion, or political beliefs.
In all of these ways, I hope to emphasize how the power to shape our emotional environment, and the kind of world in which we choose to live, lies with us, not with the media or anyone else.
Fear Not Project on Facebook
Cissus quadrangularis blossoms ....Dây Hồ Đằng bốn cạnh, Chìa vôi bốn cạnh, Nho tía trổ bông...
Image by Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants
Vietnamese named : Hồ đằng bốn cạnh, Chìa vôi bốn cạnh, Nho tía.
English names : Veldt Grape, Cissus, Devil's Backbone
Scientist name : Cissus quadrangularis L.
Synonyms : Cissus succulenta (Galpin) Burtt Davy
Cissus tetragona Harv.
Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Vitis succulenta Galpin[3]
Family : Vitaceae / Cissus. Họ Nho / chi Hồ Đằng
Searched from :
Cissus quadrangularis L. - Hồ đằng bốn cạnh, Chìa vôi bốn cạnh, Nho tía.
Dây leo khỏe; nhánh to có 4 cạnh rõ, không lông. Lá hình tim, có khi chia 3 thùy, thường có răng đơn, tù ở đầu, gần tròn, đường kính 4cm; mép có răng về phía 1/3 trên; gân gốc 3, gân giữa với 2 đôi gân bên; cuống lá cỡ 1cm; tua cuốn đơn.
Cụm hoa đối diện với lá, dạng ngù, rộng 3 - 4cm; cuống chung 1cm mang 2 - 3 cuống thứ cấp tận cùng là một tán nhiều hoa; cuống hoa bằng nụ, dài 5mm. Đài thành đấu, hơi lượn sóng. Cánh hoa 4, hình trái xoan, dạng mũ trùm ở đỉnh. Nhị 4; bao phấn hình trái xoan. Đĩa mật có 4 thùy. Bầu hình trứng, vòi ngắn, thành cột.
Quả mọng hình trứng ngược gần tròn, to 5 - 6mm, chứa 1 hạt, ít khi 2; hạt hình trứng ngược.
Phân bố ở Ấn Độ, Ả Rập, Phi châu nhiệt đới và Thái Lan. Ở nước ta, có gặp cây trồng ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh và vài nơi khác.
Cây mọc trên hàng rào, bờ bụi, nơi sáng, sinh trưởng tốt ở các tỉnh phía Nam. Trồng bằng hạt hoặc bằng đoạn thân có rễ.
Ra hoa tháng 4 - 6.
Cây có dáng lạ và đẹp, được trồng làm cảnh ở nước ta và nhiều nước khác. Thân cũng được dùng làm thuốc.
Ở nước ta, nhân dân thường dùng dây sắc nấu làm trà cho phụ nữ sau khi sinh đẻ uống cho lại sức. Còn ở Ấn Độ, người ta dùng lá và chồi hoa giã làm bột để trị rối loạn tiêu hóa. Dịch thân dùng trong trường hợp rối loạn kinh nguyệt và bệnh scorbut. Còn thân cây dùng đắp bó gãy xương và cũng dùng giã lẫn với thuốc khác làm bột trị hen suyễn.
Tên Khoa học: Cissus quadrangularis L.
Tên tiếng Anh:
Tên tiếng Việt: Hồ đằng bốn cạnh; (dây) Xanh vuông; Nho tía; Chìa vôi bốn cạnh
Tên khác: Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall.
**** WIKI
Cissus quadrangularis is a perennial plant of the grape family. It is commonly known as Veldt Grape or Devil's Backbone.
It is probably native to India or Sri Lanka, but is also found in Africa, Arabia, and Southeast Asia. It has been imported to Brazil and the southern United States.
Cissus quadrangularis reaches a height of 1.5 m and has quadrangular-sectioned branches with internodes 8 to 10 cm long and 1.2 to 1.5 cm wide. Along each angle is a leathery edge. Toothed trilobe leaves 2 to 5 cm wide appear at the nodes. Each has a tendril emerging from the opposite side of the node. Racemes of small white, yellowish, or greenish flowers; globular berries are red when ripe.
Has been used as a medicinal plant since antiquity. The Ayurveda mentions it as a tonic and analgesic, and prescribes its use to help heal broken bones, thus its name asthisamharaka (that which prevents the destruction of bones). Has also been used to treat osteoporosis, asthma, cough, hemorrhoids, and gonorrhea.
It contains a rich source of carotenoids, triterpenoids and ascorbic acid. Compounds that act as receptor antagonists of glucocorticoids have reduced the healing time of broken bones 30 to 50 percent in clinical trials. It has also been used to treat obesity and associated oxidative stress.[1] Its bactericidal effects on Helicobacter pylori hold promise as an effective treatment of gastric ulcers and preventative of stomach cancer in conjunction with NSAID therapy
Cissus succulenta (Galpin) Burtt Davy
Cissus tetragona Harv.
Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Vitis succulenta Galpin[3]
Cissus Quadrangularis for Weight Loss
By Laura Munion, eHow Contributor
Cissus quadrangularis is a plant native to Asia and Africa. It has been used for many medicinal purposes over time, including treatment for ulcers and hemorrhoids, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Several studies have been done on the effects of cissus quadrangularis on weight loss. Due to some promising results from these studies, many commercial fat burners and weight loss products include cissus quadrangularis as one of the main ingredients.
The beneficial properties of cissus quadrangularis have been studied by many researchers in India because it is a plant indigenous to that country and it has a long history of use, even showing up in ancient Ayurvedic (Sanskrit for "life knowledge") texts.
Over time cissus quadrangularis had most commonly been used for fractures and ulcers. Modern studies have shown that the plant has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, so its continued use was probably due to the fact that it did yield results.
One particularly promising study for weight loss was conducted in Cameroon, Africa, at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Nutritional Biochemistry at the University of Yaoundé. The study found that participants on 300 mg of a cissus quadrangularis supplement reduced their body mass index (BMI) by 5.4 percent, compared to no net change of BMI by participants on a placebo.
Equally important to note is that participants on cissus quadrangularis and a healthful diet plan also significantly reduced bad cholesterol levels, fasting blood glucose levels and triglyceride levels over the six-week study.
Weight Loss
Since the study done on cissus quadrangularis was published, many fat burners have included the plant extract in their formulas. However, most companies only list a "proprietary blend" on the label with the ingredients, so you don't really know how much of the extract is in a dose of the fat burner.
If you want to lose weight and enjoy the other benefits that study participants experienced, you will need to buy plain cissus quadrangularis. This way you can take two 300 mg doses a day like the study participants.
There are numerous sources of cissus quadrangularis on the market from a multitude of supplement and health food companies. The prices range from roughly to over 0 per package. You will want to get a product that is a cissus quadrangularis extract without other additives or fillers. Remember that more expensive doesn't necessarily equate to a better or purer product.
For maximum weight loss and health benefits, you should couple the supplement with a sensible diet. Consult your doctor or a nutritionist to come up with a healthful, sustainable diet.
Like many supplements, cissus quadrangularis is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Other than that, the studies done found that some participants complained of headache, flatulence, dry mouth, diarrhea and insomnia. However, the number of participants in the placebo group complaining of the same symptoms was actually higher than individuals who were taking the supplement.
According to the Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 3rd edition, African cissus quadrangularis contains "an unidentified toxin causing gastroenteritis"; however, there haven't been similar statements about Indian cissus quadrangularis. Also, this adverse effect is based on use in animals.
Cissus quadrangularis vines ...Dây Hồ Đằng bốn cạnh, Chìa Vôi bốn cạnh, Nho tía ....
Image by Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants
Vietnamese named : Hồ đằng bốn cạnh, Chìa vôi bốn cạnh, Nho tía.
English names : Veldt Grape, Cissus, Devil's Backbone
Scientist name : Cissus quadrangularis L.
Synonyms : Cissus succulenta (Galpin) Burtt Davy
Cissus tetragona Harv.
Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Vitis succulenta Galpin[3]
Family : Vitaceae / Cissus. Họ Nho / chi Hồ Đằng
Searched from :
Cissus quadrangularis L. - Hồ đằng bốn cạnh, Chìa vôi bốn cạnh, Nho tía.
Dây leo khỏe; nhánh to có 4 cạnh rõ, không lông. Lá hình tim, có khi chia 3 thùy, thường có răng đơn, tù ở đầu, gần tròn, đường kính 4cm; mép có răng về phía 1/3 trên; gân gốc 3, gân giữa với 2 đôi gân bên; cuống lá cỡ 1cm; tua cuốn đơn.
Cụm hoa đối diện với lá, dạng ngù, rộng 3 - 4cm; cuống chung 1cm mang 2 - 3 cuống thứ cấp tận cùng là một tán nhiều hoa; cuống hoa bằng nụ, dài 5mm. Đài thành đấu, hơi lượn sóng. Cánh hoa 4, hình trái xoan, dạng mũ trùm ở đỉnh. Nhị 4; bao phấn hình trái xoan. Đĩa mật có 4 thùy. Bầu hình trứng, vòi ngắn, thành cột.
Quả mọng hình trứng ngược gần tròn, to 5 - 6mm, chứa 1 hạt, ít khi 2; hạt hình trứng ngược.
Phân bố ở Ấn Độ, Ả Rập, Phi châu nhiệt đới và Thái Lan. Ở nước ta, có gặp cây trồng ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh và vài nơi khác.
Cây mọc trên hàng rào, bờ bụi, nơi sáng, sinh trưởng tốt ở các tỉnh phía Nam. Trồng bằng hạt hoặc bằng đoạn thân có rễ.
Ra hoa tháng 4 - 6.
Cây có dáng lạ và đẹp, được trồng làm cảnh ở nước ta và nhiều nước khác. Thân cũng được dùng làm thuốc.
Ở nước ta, nhân dân thường dùng dây sắc nấu làm trà cho phụ nữ sau khi sinh đẻ uống cho lại sức. Còn ở Ấn Độ, người ta dùng lá và chồi hoa giã làm bột để trị rối loạn tiêu hóa. Dịch thân dùng trong trường hợp rối loạn kinh nguyệt và bệnh scorbut. Còn thân cây dùng đắp bó gãy xương và cũng dùng giã lẫn với thuốc khác làm bột trị hen suyễn.
Tên Khoa học: Cissus quadrangularis L.
Tên tiếng Anh:
Tên tiếng Việt: Hồ đằng bốn cạnh; (dây) Xanh vuông; Nho tía; Chìa vôi bốn cạnh
Tên khác: Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall.
**** WIKI
Cissus quadrangularis is a perennial plant of the grape family. It is commonly known as Veldt Grape or Devil's Backbone.
It is probably native to India or Sri Lanka, but is also found in Africa, Arabia, and Southeast Asia. It has been imported to Brazil and the southern United States.
Cissus quadrangularis reaches a height of 1.5 m and has quadrangular-sectioned branches with internodes 8 to 10 cm long and 1.2 to 1.5 cm wide. Along each angle is a leathery edge. Toothed trilobe leaves 2 to 5 cm wide appear at the nodes. Each has a tendril emerging from the opposite side of the node. Racemes of small white, yellowish, or greenish flowers; globular berries are red when ripe.
Has been used as a medicinal plant since antiquity. The Ayurveda mentions it as a tonic and analgesic, and prescribes its use to help heal broken bones, thus its name asthisamharaka (that which prevents the destruction of bones). Has also been used to treat osteoporosis, asthma, cough, hemorrhoids, and gonorrhea.
It contains a rich source of carotenoids, triterpenoids and ascorbic acid. Compounds that act as receptor antagonists of glucocorticoids have reduced the healing time of broken bones 30 to 50 percent in clinical trials. It has also been used to treat obesity and associated oxidative stress.[1] Its bactericidal effects on Helicobacter pylori hold promise as an effective treatment of gastric ulcers and preventative of stomach cancer in conjunction with NSAID therapy
Cissus succulenta (Galpin) Burtt Davy
Cissus tetragona Harv.
Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Vitis succulenta Galpin[3]
Cissus Quadrangularis for Weight Loss
By Laura Munion, eHow Contributor
Cissus quadrangularis is a plant native to Asia and Africa. It has been used for many medicinal purposes over time, including treatment for ulcers and hemorrhoids, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Several studies have been done on the effects of cissus quadrangularis on weight loss. Due to some promising results from these studies, many commercial fat burners and weight loss products include cissus quadrangularis as one of the main ingredients.
The beneficial properties of cissus quadrangularis have been studied by many researchers in India because it is a plant indigenous to that country and it has a long history of use, even showing up in ancient Ayurvedic (Sanskrit for "life knowledge") texts.
Over time cissus quadrangularis had most commonly been used for fractures and ulcers. Modern studies have shown that the plant has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, so its continued use was probably due to the fact that it did yield results.
One particularly promising study for weight loss was conducted in Cameroon, Africa, at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Nutritional Biochemistry at the University of Yaoundé. The study found that participants on 300 mg of a cissus quadrangularis supplement reduced their body mass index (BMI) by 5.4 percent, compared to no net change of BMI by participants on a placebo.
Equally important to note is that participants on cissus quadrangularis and a healthful diet plan also significantly reduced bad cholesterol levels, fasting blood glucose levels and triglyceride levels over the six-week study.
Weight Loss
Since the study done on cissus quadrangularis was published, many fat burners have included the plant extract in their formulas. However, most companies only list a "proprietary blend" on the label with the ingredients, so you don't really know how much of the extract is in a dose of the fat burner.
If you want to lose weight and enjoy the other benefits that study participants experienced, you will need to buy plain cissus quadrangularis. This way you can take two 300 mg doses a day like the study participants.
There are numerous sources of cissus quadrangularis on the market from a multitude of supplement and health food companies. The prices range from roughly to over 0 per package. You will want to get a product that is a cissus quadrangularis extract without other additives or fillers. Remember that more expensive doesn't necessarily equate to a better or purer product.
For maximum weight loss and health benefits, you should couple the supplement with a sensible diet. Consult your doctor or a nutritionist to come up with a healthful, sustainable diet.
Like many supplements, cissus quadrangularis is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Other than that, the studies done found that some participants complained of headache, flatulence, dry mouth, diarrhea and insomnia. However, the number of participants in the placebo group complaining of the same symptoms was actually higher than individuals who were taking the supplement.
According to the Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 3rd edition, African cissus quadrangularis contains "an unidentified toxin causing gastroenteritis"; however, there haven't been similar statements about Indian cissus quadrangularis. Also, this adverse effect is based on use in animals.