20080530 - Oranjello in the bathtub - 157-5772_IMG

Some cool video of animals images:

20080530 - Oranjello in the bathtub - 157-5772_IMG
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Oranjello likes to go into the bathtub. See that metal drain hair-stopper? Gone. He played with it, grabbed it, and moved it somewhere else. We have no idea where his stash is!

And yes: Our bathmats are really gross. But since you WASH in the shower, we fail to see the issue in this, other than aesthetic. Just wash your foot when you get out if you're paranoid. It beats slipping.

Oranjello the cat, bathtub, drain stopper.

Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

May 30, 2008.

... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
... Read Carolyn's blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com

Some recent Oranjello videos:

...View video of Oranjello playing with Clint's hand at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9ZipSUazxA
...View video of Oranjello playing with Clint's foot at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuyPNHVzOAM
...View video of Oranjello playing with a rubber band put on his head at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjR8i2NEGh8
...View short video of Oranjello trying, but failing, to reach his scratching post from the couch (lazy cat!) at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1QN4Z2Q0IM

video of animals
Image by burtonwood + holmes
Translations is a collaborative work by Tom Burtonwood and Jacob C. Hammes. It has been selected for the inaugural Art Loop Open an art competition in Chicago. Translations is exhibited in the lobby of the Hard Rock Hotel located at 230 N. Michigan. Members of the public are invited to view the piece from October 15th – 29th and vote on it. Translations was first presented at Three Walls as part of their “Chasing Two Rabbits” program in Winter 2010.

Art Loop Open: www.artloopopen.com/artists/tom-burtonwood-jacob-c-hammes
Translations on Vimeo: vimeo.com/10750465

About the video:

Contained within our unique animal identity is a strong desire to witness and experience symmetry, a desire informed by an overwhelming lack of its immediate presence in our waking lives. Symmetry and uniformity are present in the video collaboration between Burtonwood and Hammes, abstracted in terms of geometry and pure tones. Folding cubes and squares are accompanied by modulated, warbling sine waves and occasional bursts of distorted guttural voices, suggesting a human presence in a world of pure geometric and sonic abstraction.

Tom Burtonwood is an artist originally from the UK living and working in Oak Park, IL. He is interested in an array of subjects and issues relating to image making, ubiquitous technology and interactive objects. Currently he is working on a series of modular color studies relating to the video game Tetris. Recent exhibitions include The Center for Book and Paper Arts, Columbia College, Chicago; Three Walls, Chicago; Fountain, Brooklyn; Apex Art, New York. Burtonwood teaches at Columbia College and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Jacob C Hammes is a Chicago based interdisciplinary artist whose range of projects investigate the strained relationships and sites of interaction between humans and the natural world. Hammes is primarily interested in emphasizing the disconnection between the desire to emulate nature and our ability to understand it. Primarily using sculpture, digital media, and hypnosis, Hammes attempts to reveal the struggle to connect with our own animal identity.
Hammes has exhibited and performed extensively throughout the midwest and internationally. Hammes' work and various projects have been reviewed in publications such as Art Papers, Proximity Magazine, and the Leonardo Music journal.

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