
Some cool animals images:

Image by Amy V. Miller
When I was at the Phoenix Zoo last month, I was so taken by the Baboons. They never were one of my favorite animals, but until I saw them there, and the almost human lke emotions they portrayed they really touched me. This was taken through very thick glass and it had a lot of noise to it, I chose to add a spatter effect to the photo. It almost looks like a charcoal drawing to me. His face shows all the melancholy I believe that this group was feeling about being caged up. I hope I captured it.

chihuahua in costume
Image by greyloch
Yes, the dog is wearing sunglasses. I don't understand the desire to dress up an animal (i.e., dogs - trying doing this to a cat, I dare ya!) in complete costumes but it makes many owners (mostly women from what I've seen) happy and the dogs are okay with it.

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