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20100913 - Lemonjello attempting takeover of Oranjello's spot (2m51s) - MVI_2220 -- CUT OFF ON FLICKR, WATCH ON YOUTUBE!!
animal videos
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
CUT OFF ON FLICKR!! To see the whole thing, with the funny ending, you have to go to YouTube, sorry:

Lemonjello attempting one of his "takeovers" of Oranjello's spot. He comes up, pretending to lick, but inserting bites in the licks. The trick is to pretend you're licking, so that the other cat doesn't fight back, but then to bite, but then when the other cat fights back, to lick again. This is his way of riding the edge, hoping to annoy Oranjello into leaving without having to actually fight him.

After awhile, the action slows down, so I unleash a loud scream which a) makes it funny, b) makes Lemonjello [the wuss] leave right away, and c) makes Oranjello leave after some consternation.

Winner: Clint.

licking, screaming, taking over.
Lemonjello the cat, Oranjello the cat, scream, takeover.

upstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

September 13, 2010.

CUT OFF ON FLICKR!! To see the whole thing, with the funny ending, you have to go to YouTube, sorry:

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