2011-11-05 - 006-009 - HDR

Check out these animal cruelty images:

2011-11-05 - 006-009 - HDR
animal cruelty
Image by vmax137
Occupy Seattle's vegan supporters. I support neither veganism or animal cruelty, but the members were energetic and passionate of their beliefs.

animal cruelty
Image by The b@t
Image supporting The Grey Cross campaign to protest government sanctioned animal cruelty in Qld Australia

GET RID OF THE TORONTO MOUNTED POLICE. Toronto Police Horses - With Riot Protection
animal cruelty
Image by "it was 3 a.m."
(photo used for educational purposes only) In Toronto Police Horses patrol and are regulars on the scene of protests. In recent years and most of my life there has been a constant debate about how to save the city money, so that we dont have to cut services or raise taxes. However I still see waste everywhere, including the toronto mounted police. First; this is a large expence for the tax-payer to feed and house these animals in a historical building, and we get very little for our money. Their not cracking homicides or sniffing out drugs. Their really just for nostalgia. secound; using these defencless animals for crowd and riot control is cruelty, they could be injured by a mob of people or the things they can throw. Horses are not police and should not be put in the same dangerous positions we pay are officers to be put in, they just want more carrots.

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