A few nice names for animals images I found:
Female equestrian Susanne Nuckols and Male Equestrian on Morro Strand
Image by mikebaird
Female equestrian Susanne Nuckols hanznuckols [at} gmail d o t com (rear) with her beautiful blond (mane and tail) and brown horse named Libby (age 7) nicknamed for Liberty, with unknown male equestrian with dark brown horse, on Morro Strand State Beach, Morro Bay, CA 23 Oct 2010, between Morro Rock and the end of Coleman Avenue at the south side of the Morro Creek outlet.
Photo by "Mike" Michael L. Baird, mike [at} mikebaird d o t com, flickr.bairdphotos.com; Shooting a Canon EOS 1D Mark III 10.1MP Digital SLR Camera, Canon EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS USM Telephoto Zoom Lens (with circular polarizer), handheld.
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Thomas, 12
Image by pni
This is one image of six from a series about identities online and in real life, exhibited in 2003 under the name Personatus together with Minna Grönstrand at two locations in Helsinki companied by a website (not available anymore).
The animal figures used in this series are something I originally designed when I was a children's camp counsellor, in the mid 1990's, for the kids to print on t-shirts. The figures became popular also among grown-ups and I just republished them on Redbubble: ANIMAL t-shirts.
20080622 - Oranjello and the turtle - 159-5959 - Oranjello & Turtle - Checkin' Him Out (30s) (mjpeg) (20fps) (mono snd)
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Turtles are not the most exciting animal to capture on video (unless they're having sex). However, Oranjello may beg to differ.
BACKSTORY: Carolyn found a turtle -- right where we turn around in the chute to get out of our driveway. He surely would have been crushed had she not noticed, as he was not walking. He had dug a little hole and was kind of hanging out in it. So we took him inside for a photo shoot with the cat, named him Timmy The Turtle (after a NoFX song), and kept him in our bathtub for 3 days. Why? I don't know. Just for the novelty of it. Later, we released him by the creek in our back yard.
Another interesting thing about this turtle is that he barely fit in his shell. When his head went in, his tail would stick out; and vice-versa.
lunging, walking, watching.
Oranjello, Timmy The the turtle.
upstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.
June 22, 2008.