Whos Who

Some cool types of animals images:

Whos Who
types of animals
Image by Michael Vance1
Suspended Animation Classic #1,050
First published January 25, 2009 (#4) (Dates are approximate)

Who’s Who of American Comic Books: 1928-1999/free on your computer/created by Jerry Bails and lots of associate fans.
Type the above title into your browser and here is what you will find on the home page:
“On November 23, 2006, the "Father Of Comic Book Fandom" and creator of this database, Jerry Bails, passed away in his sleep. This website remains a continued tribute to his efforts at making sure that those who helped create our favorite four-color medium are given the credit that they richly deserve.”
In addition to this introduction, you’ll find the most comprehensive listing of American cartoonists and their work ever compiled.
It wasn’t always so.
The Who’s Who of American Comic Books was originally published as a series of magazines. If you can find a set today, buy them. They are rare indeed. I am blessed to own a set, and have used it as a source of information when writing Suspended Animation for almost twenty years.
That list of cartoonists and their work includes an artist’s or writer’s birthday and deathday, his education, the comics titles he worked on and the dates they appeared, and comics related work like comic strips, advertising, prose books, movie posters, and much more.
This list is so comprehensive that I’d guess one could spend years reading without finishing it. It is unparalleled and unsurpassed in the world of comics.
It is difficult to imagine a serious fan of comics who would not find hours of enjoyment here. In fact, no matter how great a comics scholar, there is something surprising and new on almost every page.
That aforementioned home page finishes with: “Thank you Jerry Bails; may the rest of us in comic fandom continue to do your example proud.”
This wonderful recourse receives the highest recommendation.

cartoon animals [slaughterhouses]
types of animals
Image by the|G|™

aka - puerile marketing and the psychological avoidance of mechanical killing.


nb - this a macfeatism™ [any work after the style of mr michael macfeat]


1. how can any foodstuff involve a slaughterhouse if it has any type of stylised cartoon animal on the packaging?

2. how can any restaurant rely on the slaughterhouse to provide your meal if there is a stylised cartoon animal on the company signage or logo?

3. how can any meat that you may eat not come from anywhere but a purely magical and benign source if there is a stylised cartoon animal involved in any part of the process; from killing floor to butchery, from cold storage to distribution, from fork to mouth?

4. this is a slaughterhouse:


GCAS (29 of 29).jpg
types of animals
Image by zane.hollingsworth
Available at the Gordon County Animal Shelter. 706.629.3327
Available Animals currently at the shelter
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Camera:NIKON D7000
Lens(35mm eq.):54
SS:1/100 @ f/5

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