20080829 - Lemonjello, day 3 - 165-6591 - Oranjello, Lemonjello

Some cool video of animals images:

20080829 - Lemonjello, day 3 - 165-6591 - Oranjello, Lemonjello
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Oranjello now must contend with competition for the litter box, food, etc. (He tends to just back of and let tiny Lemonjello steal his food from him!)

Lemonjello the cat, Oranjello the cat, scratching board cat toy.

utility room, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

August 29, 2008.

... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
... Read Carolyn's blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com

...View video of Oranjello and Lemonjello playing at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=for58B8Ay4g

I Have You. (Remaster of Spider Macro 1)
video of animals
Image by orangeacid
I found a huge spider spinning a web on the way home today. Not only was this a great macro opportunity, but whilst I was snapping a wasp flew into the net, so I got a video of the wasp being attacked by the bee and then spun alive into a cocoon to keep it fresh for the spider to eat later. Because that's what spiders do... but it's ok because they're cool.

20070911-14 - Beavis - 136-3611 - Beavis playing, box
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Cats love boxes! All cats. All boxes. It also helps contain their toys, so it becomes a toy box... Like with a kid.

Beavis the cat, box, cat ball, keys, masking tape, string.

downstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

September 11, 2007.

... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
... Read Carolyn's blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com

... View videos of Beavis the cat at www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=ClintJCL&search_q...

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