Nice Animals Names photos

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East African or Patterson's eland (Taurotragus oryx pattersonianus)
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Image by warriorwoman531
Common elands are spiral-horned antelopes. They are the world's largest and slowest antelope.The East African or Patterson's eland (Taurotragus oryx pattersonianus) is a sub-species found in east Africa, hence its common name.

Photographed at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in Escondido, CA

畑の小屋に住んでる三毛猫♀ / Japanese Tortoiseshell Cat ♀
animals names
Image by Dakiny

Her name Holmes. In a poor cat abandoned immediately after birth, 1 year old now. It's curious, but vigilance is strong. If you are not yearning to Goriza, you have to get along all the time. Two cats are living in cabin of the field in the Tomei Expressway near Yokohama Inter.

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