Nice About Pet Animals photos

A few nice about pet animals images I found:

she just can't keep her eyes off.
about pet animals
Image by Malingering
She didn't care about it for a year, and now all of a sudden she's the world's biggest basketball fan

simone has been really into basketball this season
about pet animals
Image by Malingering
Just like her daddy.

She never cared about the TV before and now all of the sudden she won't stay off of it. Cats.

Happy Tails: Flash
about pet animals
Image by LollypopFarm
We adopted Flash from Lollypop 2 years ago next month. Flash is a beagle mix (we believe it is Basset Hound / Beagle) and had been in Lollypop over 2 months when we adopted him. Flash was 9 years old and had been adopted 11 months earlier and returned. Flash is extremely submissive – never barks, growls, and barely make a sound. Heck, it’s tough to get Flash excited about anything … except when you first come home and at meal time. He also has separation anxiety – all issues we dealt with to make Flash part of the family. Flash has no interest in playing and generally spends most of his day curled up at the closest heat source (except in the summer when the A/C vent is Flash’s favorite hangout).

About a year ago, Flash started visiting his “Grandma” during the day and some evenings as her health had gone downhill. She is now confined to a wheelchair and requires 24/7 care. The amazing thing is ….when he visits “Grandma," Flash is transformed from "submissive lay in the corner and sleep boy" to "super watchdog beagle." If anyone comes in Grandma’s house Flash doesn’t know, he barks. When someone approached Grandma he didn’t know … he growled (first and only time we have heard him growl). He follows Grandma EVERYWHERE and always sleeps in Grandma’s room when overnight at Grandma’s house. When Grandma naps, Flash is always by her side making sure she is OK. And when he leaves Grandma’s house he cries like a baby during the entire car ride – and it’s not car anxiety because he never cries when the car leaves home and heads to Grandma’s house. All Grandma’s caretakers love Flash and want to take him home … Flash just wonders where all these people were two years ago when he waited 2 months to get adopted from Lollypop!

Nowadays, Flash spends most weekdays and a good part of the weekends at Grandma’s house. Grandma takes great comfort that Flash is always nearby, and Flash loves his Grandma. And to think someone dropped this wonderful dog off at Lollypop Farm when he got old … what a blessing Flash is for everyone in the family .. especially Grandma.

Richard L.

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