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Nice Animal Behavior photos

Check out these animal behavior images:

Zoe resting cutely on the sofa
animal behavior
Image by marymactavish
The rear sofa cushions are actually sewn to the back of the sofa, and this behavior is why I go re-sew them with very strong upholstery thread from time to time, just to keep the seam-ripping from progressing. Often, the dogs will treat this like a bunk bed, one asleep on the seat, one asleep on the cushion above.

animal behavior
Image by xiostales
This is one of the two cats that died within the last weeks. I'd saved her from the streets, halfdead, three months earlier. She was like a princess in all her behaviour.
Miss you, little one.....

Lost In The Horde
animal behavior
Image by Black_Claw
Prey on small insects which smaller such as Hemiptera a.k.a True Bugs, and are known for their unique nest building behaviour where workers construct nests by weaving together leaves using larval silk, this is Weaver ants or Green ants (genus Oecophylla). They are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae (order Hymenoptera).

Male lion near Camp at Xini Lagoon in Moremi game reserve-05 9-8-10

Some cool animal game images:

Male lion near Camp at Xini Lagoon in Moremi game reserve-05 9-8-10
animal game
Image by lamsongf

AHI Treasures of Southern Africa 3-07 1355 N
animal game
Image by Corvair Owner
Young (immature) lion couple. Male is on the right. Taken at the Thornybush Game Reserve next to the Kruger National Park near Hoedspruit, South Africa.

AHI Treasures of Southern Africa 3-07 1645 N
animal game
Image by Corvair Owner
Lion at sunset. Taken at the Thornybush Game Reserve next to the Kruger National Park near Hoedspruit, South Africa.

Cool Plush Stuffed Animals images

A few nice plush stuffed animals images I found:

sad rabbit
plush stuffed animals
Image by allerleirau
he arrived at my home today. i love him!

he's made by the incredibly talented paulina from finland.

check out her etsy shop lemmikkiapina here:

plush stuffed animals
Image by vuturistic
Small stuffed plush animal made into a tree ornament.

Cool Wild Animal images

Check out these wild animal images:

Lions & Lion Cubs
wild animal
Image by fortherock
Lion Camp; Lion Cubs San Diego Wild Animal Park Safari Park March 2008

Lions & Lion Cubs
wild animal
Image by fortherock
Lion Camp; Lion Cubs San Diego Wild Animal Park Safari Park March 2008

Lions & Lion Cubs
wild animal
Image by fortherock
Lion Camp; Lion Cubs San Diego Wild Animal Park Safari Park March 2008

Nice Animal Adoption photos

Some cool animal adoption images:

animal adoption
Image by Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue

Cool Wild Animals images

Some cool wild animals images:

Lions & Lion Cubs
wild animals
Image by fortherock
Lion Camp; Lion Cubs San Diego Wild Animal Park Safari Park March 2008

Lions & Lion Cubs
wild animals
Image by fortherock
Lion Camp; Lion Cubs San Diego Wild Animal Park Safari Park March 2008

Lions & Lion Cubs
wild animals
Image by fortherock
Lion Camp; Lion Cubs San Diego Wild Animal Park Safari Park March 2008

Cool Animals Photos images

Check out these animals photos images:

bourdon Vonvon 1
animals photos
Image by muscapix
Abeille charpentière - Vonvon
Xylocopa mordax

Animal Physiology Lab

Some cool types of animals images:

Animal Physiology Lab
types of animals
Image by euthman
Although a biology major, I never took the animal physiology course, this type of experiment being one of the reasons why.

Juvenile Gray Catbird?
types of animals
Image by Jean in TX
Not sure about this bird. It looks like a type of mockingbird or flycatcher to me, but not sure. I have three different shots of it. Maybe someone can help ID it. Northeastern South Carolina, USA. For now, I'm going to call it a Gray Catbird, since a few people think it might be that.

Wheel Bug (Arilus sp., possibly Arilus carinatus or A. gallus); Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

A few nice types of animals images I found:

Wheel Bug (Arilus sp., possibly Arilus carinatus or A. gallus); Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
types of animals
Image by Lon&Queta
Wheel Bug (Arilus sp., possibly Arilus carinatus or A. gallus; a type of Assassin Bug); caminata en el camino a Playa Naranjo; Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Thank you to Patrick Coin for his help.

types of animals
Image by JasonUnbound
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A few nice animal planet images I found:

animal planet
Image by muzina_shanghai
Pallas's Cat

animal planet
Image by NoIdentity
Grevy's zebra,
LA Zoo

Cool Animal Species images

Some cool animal species images:

Muffled Compliments to the Chef
animal species
Image by Furryscaly
This is what it looks like when a tarantula tries to eat four crickets at the same time. Petunia is a Haplopelma species.

He's coming to get you!
animal species
Image by John from Canberra
It's a cicada, of course, but I'm not going to hazard a guess at the species. They are all around at present, but easier to hear than to see.

Rhea close-up
animal species
Image by Michael Ransburg
The rheas are species of flightless ratite birds in the genus Rhea, native to South America. There are two existing species: the Greater or American Rhea and the Lesser or Darwin's Rhea.


A few nice animals endangered images I found:

animals endangered
Image by meowdip
This aquarium specializing in frogs had the first succesful captive breeding of two endangered species in the last year. The staff were really nice as well, including a frog obsessed Canadian who showed us around.

animals endangered
Image by K's GLIMPSES

Bush Baby

A few nice toy animals images I found:

Bush Baby
toy animals
Image by
Plush Bush Baby from Animal Alley by Toys R Us, 2000. 12' tall not inc. tail. In my collection. June 2012.

Farm animals
toy animals
Image by Jilted Ballerina

Cool Animal Research images

Some cool animal research images:

Yellow-footed Tortoise
animal research
Image by siwild

This Yellow-footed Tortoise, Geochelone denticulata, was photographed in Peru, as part of a research project utilizing motion-activated camera-traps.

You are invited to go WILD on Smithsonian's interactive website, Smithsonian WILD, to learn more about the research and browse photos like this from around the world.

Striated Ant Thrush
animal research
Image by siwild

This Striated Ant Thrush, Chamaeza nobilis, was photographed in Peru, as part of a research project utilizing motion-activated camera-traps.

You are invited to go WILD on Smithsonian's interactive website, Smithsonian WILD, to learn more about the research and browse photos like this from around the world.

Micro Frog

A few nice about animals images I found:

Micro Frog
about animals
Image by England
About the size of my thumbnail!
This little fella took shelter on my storm door during a particularly heavy rain.

Actinidia kolomikta:Growing in the Chalice Well Gardens Glastonbury

Some cool animal plant images:

Actinidia kolomikta:Growing in the Chalice Well Gardens Glastonbury
animal plant
Image by Ambersky235

Please visit my website

In the photograph gallery you will find more photographs not only of sheep but other animals. Also photographs sized for desktop wallpaper of a variety of subjects including sheep, cattle, horses, birds , fish, plants, architecture and scenery

Carnivorous plant row
animal plant
Image by phil dokas
Plants that eat animals hang out with skulls.

Affectionate Sheep Yorkshire Dales
animal plant
Image by Ambersky235
Sheep have friends, they show affection for one another in many ways such as one sheep laying his head upon the back of another sheep. We observed these two sheep who were obviously friends for they kept close company. At one time as they were sitting side by side in the afternoon sun of one of the companions laid his head upon the back of his friend. This is quite a common occurrence.

Please visit my website
In the photograph gallery you will find more photographs not only of sheep but other animals. Also photographs sized for desktop wallpaper of a variety of subjects including sheep, cattle, horses, birds , fish, plants, architecture and scenery

Cool Plush Animals images

A few nice plush animals images I found:

plush animals
Image by plushplex
Glum Ninjas C.P.F. is a covert protection force for people who want inconspicuous protection. They disguise themselves as run-of-the-mill stuffed animals and keep a watchful eye, waiting to spring into action at the first sign of danger.

plush animals
Image by plushplex
Glum Ninjas C.P.F. is a covert protection force for people who want inconspicuous protection. They disguise themselves as run-of-the-mill stuffed animals and keep a watchful eye, waiting to spring into action at the first sign of danger.

plush animals
Image by plushplex
Glum Ninjas C.P.F. is a covert protection force for people who want inconspicuous protection. They disguise themselves as run-of-the-mill stuffed animals and keep a watchful eye, waiting to spring into action at the first sign of danger.

mama grizzly bear and cub

Some cool wild animals images:

mama grizzly bear and cub
wild animals
Image by xinem
I took these from my car window at Yellowstone National Park in July 2010--about five feet away.

Desert Tortoise
wild animals
Image by San Diego Shooter

High five!
wild animals
Image by San Diego Shooter

Letsatsi, the White lion. (Son of Temba)

A few nice all about animals images I found:

Letsatsi, the White lion. (Son of Temba)
all about animals
Image by Arno Meintjes Wildlife
IMG01491 Highest position: 321 on Friday, September 4, 2009

Letsatsi (meaning 'day' or 'sun')

The white lion is occasionally found in wildlife reserves in South Africa and is a rare color mutation of the Kruger subspecies of lion (Panthera leo krugeri). It has been perpetuated by selective breeding in zoos around the world. White lions are not a separate subspecies and they have never been common in the wild. Regarded as divine by locals, white lions first came to public attention in the 1970s in Chris McBride's book The White Lions of Timbavati. The greatest population of white lions is in zoos where they are deliberately bred for color. The population of the white lion is unknown but the most recent count was in 2004 and 30 were alive. White lions are not albino lions. Instead, the white color is caused by a recessive gene known as chinchilla or color inhibitor. They vary from blonde through to near white, however some can also be red. This coloration gives white lions a distinct disadvantage in nature because they are highly visible. This gives them away to their prey and makes them an attractive target for hunters. According to Linda Tucker, in "Mystery of the White Lions - Children of the Sun God" they are bred in camps in South Africa as trophies for canned hunts.

White lions were first recorded in 1928 and in the early 1940s. In 1959, a pride with two white cubs was seen near Tshokwane in Kruger National Park, but later vanished. Albino lions had been recorded in the area according to David Alder ton's book "Wild Cats Of The World". In 1974, a light Grey lion cub was born at Birmingham Zoo, Alabama.

In 1975, two white cubs were seen at Timberland Game Reserve, adjacent to Kruger National Park. Their story is detailed by Chris McBride in his book "The White Lions of Timbavati". The two cubs, Temba (Zulu for "hope") and Tombi ("girl") had a tawny brother called Vela ('surprise'). In 1975, a white female cub called Phuma ("to be out of the ordinary") was sighted in the Timberland pride.

A few months later Temba, Tombi, and Vela (who carried the recessive white mutation) were taken to the National Zoo in Pretoria, South Africa. Temba sired several cubs. Tombi had a white cub in 1981, it was low in health but survived. Vela sired a litter, they grew up to be strong unusually one out of the 4 cubs was white while the rest were almost blond. The white lions in the Ouwehands Dierenpark (Netherlands) and a private South African Zoo appear to be from Temba, or possibly Vela, lines. A few other white or blond cubs were born in Timberland after Temba, Tombi, and Vela were removed. Another white lion bloodline, possibly part of the Timbavati bloodline, comes from a white male captured in the Timberland area in the late 1980s and kept by a private reserve.

Temba has left descendants in captivity. A heterozygous tawny lion at Pretoria Zoo carries the mutation and most likely pass this on to his offspring. Two heterozygous tawny males from the Cincinnati Zoo are now at a private reserve in Africa. A white female and a heterozygous tawny male were sent to the Zoological Animal Reproduction Center in Indiana, USA. A second female was put together with another but didn't get along so they were separated for some time until they were comfortable in their surroundings.

In 2003, the Global White Lion Protection Trust (WLT) initiated the first ever reintroduction of white lions to their natural endemic range - the Greater Timbavati region in South Africa. Preliminary results have shown that the hunting success of the white lion pride was comparable to or higher than the wild prides ('normal' coloured / tawny) of the Timbavati itself (Turner 2005, Turner in prep.). This pride of "all" white lions has shattered the misperception that white lions cannot hunt successfully (within their natural endemic habitat) due to a perceived lack of camouflage. The long-term objective of the WLT is to restore the natural balance by reintroducing an integrated pride/s of white and tawny lions within their endemic range. White lions are a unique contribution to the biodiversity of the region and are revered by the local communities that hold them sacred.


Michelle Faul
Broederstroom - Each year, lions are raised in captivity in South Africa and then set loose in enclosed areas where hunters, many from the United States, gun them down. The toll in what one filmmaker calls slaughter, not sport: About 1 000 lions each year.

Kevin Richardson hopes a new movie White Lion, which opens in a few US cities on Friday, will give people second-thoughts about participating in such hunts.

No hope

"I just can't understand how anyone would want to shoot a lion that is clearly confined to a finite space with absolutely no hope in hell of ever escaping the so-called hunter," said Richardson, a self-taught "Lion Whisperer" and first-time film producer. "Canned lion hunting, in my opinion, is likened to fishing with dynamite in a pond and then calling yourself a fisherman."

White Lion is about a rare white lion, who as a cub is cast out of his pride because of his colour. He is near starvation when he befriends an older lion who teaches him the ways of the wild. John Kani, a Tony Award-winning actor and playwright, is the storyteller. A young man helps the lion, whose name is Letsatsi, because his Shangaan tribal tradition says a white lion is God's messenger and must be protected. Tension builds as Gisani becomes a tracker on a game farm where he and a foreign hunter encounter Letsatsi.

Revenue source

Trophy hunting is big business in South Africa, worth .2m a year, according to the Professional Hunters Association of South Africa. Foreign tourists pay up to 000 to shoot a lion.

The government promotes hunting as a revenue source and calls it a "sustainable utilisation of natural resources". Provincial governments sell permits allowing hunters to kill rhinos, elephants - even giraffes. Hunters killed 1 050 lions in 2008, the last year for which figures are available, according to the South African Predator Breeders Association.

The hunters' association says 16,394 foreign hunters - more than half from the United States - killed more than 46,000 animals in the year ending September 2007.

Bred in captivity

Almost all lions hunted under permit in South Africa are bred in captivity. But a new report by Animal Rights Africa says animals that wander out of the huge Kruger National Park into neighbouring private reserves have become fair game.

About 3 600 lions were kept in breeding facilities in 2009, to be sold to zoos, safari farms and for hunting on game farms, said Albi Modise, spokesperson for South Africa's Department of Environment.

Animal Rights Africa says trophy hunting is incompatible with South Africa's push into ecotourism, noting that ad campaigns promoting tourism and game viewing showcase the same species that are offered up to be hunted. The government in 2007 introduced legislation that would reduce the financial incentive to breed lions for the hunt but the Predator Breeders Association challenged the laws and earlier this year won an appeal.

Filming limited

Richardson, the movie's producer, first befriended a pair of lion cubs at the Lion Park outside Johannesburg 12 years ago, when the cubs were 6 months and he was 23. He began shortening his hours as a therapist in postoperative rehabilitation to play with his new friends. Soon, park owner Rodney Fuhr offered him a part-time job which became full time.

Today, Richardson cares for 39 lions at his 800-hectare Kingdom of the White Lion in Broederstroom, an hour and a half drive from Johannesburg, where the film was shot to include tawny gold lions as well as those born white because of a recessive gene.

Lions are nocturnal and spend most of the day sleeping, so filming was limited to a couple of hours in the morning and perhaps another couple in the afternoon - if the cats were willing. Letsatsi was portrayed by several different lions over the four years it took to make the movie. A cuddly cub filmed in the summer of 2006 might be sprouting a mohawk-style tuft of hair the following year, the precursor to a mane.

Richardson said he breaks every rule in the book in handling lions. On a recent morning, the lions welcomed Richardson with rumbling purrs. One shut his eyes in ecstasy and rolled onto his back as Richardson scratched his chin. Another licked Richardson's hand, the tongue as rough as sandpaper. Too many licks can cause bleeding.

Attacked twice

Two 180kg lions wrestled him to the ground and a lioness jumped on his back, covering Richardson for a tense minute. He emerged from a tangle of furry blond limbs, face red. One lion threw a casual paw on Richardson's shoulder.

"Ugh, no claws you naughty boy!" he admonished, slapping away a paw larger than his face.

He's been attacked by his lions twice. Once during filming, a lion named Thor grabbed Richardson's arm and pinned him against the cage holding the camera crews, who looked on terrified and unable to help.

"I thought: There goes my arm, and it's my own fault. I was provoking him to get a fight sequence that we needed," Richardson said. The lion stared him in the eyes for what seemed five minutes but couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds, before releasing him, he recalled.

"Lions are 99% chill and & lethal," Richardson said.


all about animals
Image by Send me adrift.
Today's 9/11. All week, I've been watching shows, movies, and documentaries in school and at home about the events that day, 10 years ago. If you knew someone who was there, who died, or are somehow connected to that day, God bless you. You are strong, the country is strong, everyone is strong.

On a lighter note, today is the last day you can enter my print giveaway. Entries must be in by 8:00pm est. tonight to be included in the giveaway. Thank you to everyone who enters!!!

Heres a little story for ya'll. A few days ago, I saw that Walgreens was having a special; 75 prints for .50. I was so excited, until I got an email from Snapfish. Until the 13th, they are doing a .01 special. Yea, one penny per photo!!! I decided I'm going to print all my 365 photos and finally put them in an album, and also print the giveaway photos too.

{tumblr} {listography} {twitter}

Last chance to enter my PRINT GIVEAWAY!!

Dublin Zoo

Some cool endangered species of animals images:

Dublin Zoo
endangered species of animals
Image by infomatique
Dublin Zoo, in Phoenix Park, Dublin, Ireland is the largest zoo in Ireland and one of Dublin's most popular attractions. Founded in 1830 it is the fourth oldest scientific zoo in the world, after Tiergarten Schönbrunn in Vienna, London Zoo, and the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. The zoo receives over 500,000 visitors per year. The zoo describes its role as conservation, study, and education. Its stated mission is to “work in partnership with zoos world-wide to make a significant contribution to the conservation of the endangered species on Earth".
Covering 12 hectares (30 acres) of Phoenix Park, it provides a habitat for more than 235 species of wild animals and tropical birds. The zoo includes: World of Cats, World of Primates, Fringes of the Arctic, African Plains, Birds, Reptiles, Plants, City Farm and Endangered Species.

Dublin Zoo
endangered species of animals
Image by infomatique
Dublin Zoo, in Phoenix Park, Dublin, Ireland is the largest zoo in Ireland and one of Dublin's most popular attractions. Founded in 1830 it is the fourth oldest scientific zoo in the world, after Tiergarten Schönbrunn in Vienna, London Zoo, and the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. The zoo receives over 500,000 visitors per year. The zoo describes its role as conservation, study, and education. Its stated mission is to “work in partnership with zoos world-wide to make a significant contribution to the conservation of the endangered species on Earth".
Covering 12 hectares (30 acres) of Phoenix Park, it provides a habitat for more than 235 species of wild animals and tropical birds. The zoo includes: World of Cats, World of Primates, Fringes of the Arctic, African Plains, Birds, Reptiles, Plants, City Farm and Endangered Species.

Dublin Zoo
endangered species of animals
Image by infomatique
Dublin Zoo, in Phoenix Park, Dublin, Ireland is the largest zoo in Ireland and one of Dublin's most popular attractions. Founded in 1830 it is the fourth oldest scientific zoo in the world, after Tiergarten Schönbrunn in Vienna, London Zoo, and the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. The zoo receives over 500,000 visitors per year. The zoo describes its role as conservation, study, and education. Its stated mission is to “work in partnership with zoos world-wide to make a significant contribution to the conservation of the endangered species on Earth".
Covering 12 hectares (30 acres) of Phoenix Park, it provides a habitat for more than 235 species of wild animals and tropical birds. The zoo includes: World of Cats, World of Primates, Fringes of the Arctic, African Plains, Birds, Reptiles, Plants, City Farm and Endangered Species.

Nice Stuffed Toy Animals photos

A few nice stuffed toy animals images I found:

stuffed toy animals
Image by frivolous_accumulation

stuffed toy animals
Image by frivolous_accumulation

stuffed toy animals
Image by Grace Miller
One of my many small toy animals...gotta love miniature stuff :)

Nice The Animal Pictures photos

Check out these the animal pictures images:

inquisitiveness series 1
the animal pictures
Image by Heavenhated
as part of the inquisitiveness series, here we go,...captive no 1

All Pictures are Copyrighted if used for Commercial Purpose. You can download and use the picture for personal use (like wallpaper etc). In case of forwarding to ur friends please credit the Photographer. There are no restrictions to use the pictures for personal use. Do not print pictures without prior permission