Check out these animal behavior images:
Zoe resting cutely on the sofa
Image by marymactavish
The rear sofa cushions are actually sewn to the back of the sofa, and this behavior is why I go re-sew them with very strong upholstery thread from time to time, just to keep the seam-ripping from progressing. Often, the dogs will treat this like a bunk bed, one asleep on the seat, one asleep on the cushion above.
Image by xiostales
This is one of the two cats that died within the last weeks. I'd saved her from the streets, halfdead, three months earlier. She was like a princess in all her behaviour.
Miss you, little one.....
Lost In The Horde
Image by Black_Claw
Prey on small insects which smaller such as Hemiptera a.k.a True Bugs, and are known for their unique nest building behaviour where workers construct nests by weaving together leaves using larval silk, this is Weaver ants or Green ants (genus Oecophylla). They are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae (order Hymenoptera).