Some People Should Not Have Pets

A few nice about pet animals images I found:

Some People Should Not Have Pets
about pet animals
Image by "it was 3 a.m."
I'm a animal lover and have had dogs growing up. Apperantly it is your RIGHT to OWN a pet in Canada, even if it is cruel to do so. We have leash laws everywhere I have ever been in this country so if you live in a apartment that means the only time your dog is free to run is inside your little 2 bedroom apartment (thats cruel). And those who let their dogs roam free in parks and streets are rude jerks. They are still wild and unpredictable animals that can easily hurt a person or child(FYI -ALL dogs came from wolves). And children have the right to play in parks without the intimidation of loose animals and without it being covered in shit and urine. If you don't have space for your dog to exercise on your own property and your to irresponsible to keep it on a leash and pick up poop, than get a cat. - THIS GUY HAS TWO LARGE DOGS IN A APARTMENT. He is picking it up, but why not off his own property ? And those bags of dog shit are becoming more common on the grass then actual crap. If I pissed on your property you would be mad, so why can your dog piss on mine ? Why does owning another animal make people feel good about themselves ? Maybe they have no control of their lives so have to control animals.

Playing with light
about pet animals
Image by Kerri Lee Smith
I was following my cats around the other day with my camera. Jimmy was in some impossibly bright light that I couldn't do anything with. He turned around at one point and all I could see were his back-lit whiskers glowing - everything else, his face included, was shadowed to the point of being black background. I loved the look, took one picture and then tried to change the settings on the camera and then he moved, curious about me and my sudden excitement. I couldn't recreate the moment. Jimmy is usually pretty cooperative but he doesn't know commands like "look at me", "stay", "don't move" ...

about pet animals
Image by DanWendell

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