Cool Animal Behavior images

A few nice animal behavior images I found:

The cutest little bear!
animal behavior
Image by ucumari
When we arrived I immediately saw this little guy off to the left. I had never seen a bear here (Lazy 5 Ranch) before and couldn't wait to visit.
He was in a very small enclosure and was doing the stereotypical behavior of bears that are bored/upset, which is pacing.
Of course I started asking questions and found out this is just temporary housing. He was living with Mom and Dad off site but Dad was not a happy bear with Junior around. So they did this quick fix and will build a better and more permanent home if they decide to keep him on exhibit. Judging by the response that day, he is very popular!

The Slug Train
animal behavior
Image by Jon Pinder
I'm not sure what was going on here, but I watched these two slugs follow ach other head to toe for about 5 minutes. Weird behaviour, perhaps thats how slugs do the sex thing?

House Finch Drinking From Oriole Feeder
animal behavior
Image by jpmatth
unusual behavior for them, i'd think. the female grosbeak was the first one to do this, typically perched on the oriole feeder, leaning over to grab seeds from the other feeder, then drinking the sugar water. i guess the other birds are starting to figure it out too, but no orioles this year.

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