Cool Animal Cruelty images

Some cool animal cruelty images:

Foie Gras Investigation 2003 Quebec
animal cruelty
Image by liberationbc
These photos were taken part of an undercover investigation in three foie gras farms in Quebec: Elevages Perigord, Aux Champs d'Elisee, and Palmex. Copyright Farm Sanctuary, 2003. Learn more about foie gras:

Foie Gras Investigation 2003 Quebec
animal cruelty
Image by liberationbc
These photos were taken part of an undercover investigation in three foie gras farms in Quebec: Elevages Perigord, Aux Champs d'Elisee, and Palmex. Copyright Farm Sanctuary, 2003. Learn more about foie gras:

Foie Gras Investigation 2003 Quebec
animal cruelty
Image by liberationbc
These photos were taken part of an undercover investigation in three foie gras farms in Quebec: Elevages Perigord, Aux Champs d'Elisee, and Palmex. Copyright Farm Sanctuary, 2003. Learn more about foie gras:

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