A few nice animal friends images I found:
Pits & Perception-2
Image by puck90
Artist & Best Friends Animal Society founder, Cyrus Mejia's show Pits & Perception opened in Los Angeles @ Artology 101 in Glendale. There were several live pit bulls in attendance at the festivities.
From cyrusmejia.com/art/pits-and-perception
"Art can present us with a different view, a new perspective, another way of thinking about things. In this series of paintings of Pit Bulls I’m challenging the current-day perception of these dogs. Not by changing their image, but by depicting them close-up, larger than life, and inviting the viewer to question how they see and perceive Pit Bulls."
This photo is part of The Watcher Project cyrusmejia.com/blog/the-watcher-project