Nice Video Of Animals photos

A few nice video of animals images I found:

20071205 - 142-4297 - Beavis sniffing vine
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Beavis on the brick wall on the back of the shared patio in our side yard. It used to be a pig pen in the 1940s, but now there's a fance down the middle (you can see it in the right edge of the picture). Cats always walk past the fence to where you can't get them.

Beavis the cat, snow, vine.

side yard, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

December 5, 2007.

... Read my blog at
... Read Carolyn's blog at

... View videos of Beavis the cat at

A video of Beavis's first steps in the snow can be found here:

lone wolf up
video of animals
Image by shannonkringen
late in the day just after the zoo closed the wolves were pacing around and kept looking at me and i got some video and pics of them both. so beautiful are they.

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