Syca-stonechat Bird

Some cool animal plant images:

Syca-stonechat Bird
animal plant
Image by ihave3kids
The Flamboyant Syca-stonechat Bird

Created for:
Make It Interesting ~ Challenge #1 (Bird)
Photobicho ~ Photochimera challenge 20
vegetable-plant,Sycamore tree

thanks to :
Koshyk for the Stonechat bird
Didier Descouens for the sycamore leaves
Ellenvd for the background
Rubyblossom for the frame

Little Brown Jugs
animal plant
Image by BlueRidgeKitties
Hexastylis arifolia flowering at the Daniel Boone Native Gardens. You have to look really closely to see the flowers. They are said to attract fungus gnats for pollination through their odor, so they don't need to be pretty. The seeds of these plants are spread by ants, which they attract with a sticky coating that the ants like to eat. The ants will carry the seeds into their burrows and protect them from other animals that might eat them, thus safely planting them away from the mother plant.

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