A few nice animal friends images I found:
animal passport - testshots
Image by -sel
ahh - don´t you move...!
Forest Friend?
Image by mgstanton
Spotted this little guy in while walking, in the daytime. I've heard raccoons out during the day might be dangerous, still I fought off my fear to grab this shot!
Now I find on the internet (so it must be true) that
... although raccoons are primarily nocturnal, they do often get some stuff done during the day. It is not at all unusual for a raccoon to be active in the middle of the day. They can't just sleep from dawn to dusk without doing anything. They may go off in search of food or drink. This is especially true of nursing female raccoons, who have a bunch of babies to take care of, and who have extra nutritional requirements, because they are nursing their young. In the spring, you're sure to see some mother raccoons gathering extra food during the daytime, so that they can produce more milk.
Rocky looking like a bunny
Image by Barbara Walsh Photography