Nice Animal Pics photos

A few nice animal pics images I found:

The View. No Whoopi.
animal pics
Image by Keenan Turner of MDK Media
one of the pics from the pano above^

Mr Peacock
animal pics
Image by Scorpions and Centaurs
He spent rather a long time showing off that tail to us, hence the many pics of him...

animal pics
Image by krossbow
This is part of our library reading train. The windows look into classrooms. We have an artist on staff named Melissa Pooré and she made each and every 3 dimensional animal on the train.

The Daily Shoot assignment today was:
Striped patterns have a natural pattern that catches the eye. Find some stripes today and make a photo.

I had planned on using my iPhone to shoot a picture of each part of the train and then use the app AutoStitch and make a panorama. I was in a hurry and the pics were taken by hand so the panorama didn't come out very well.
You can see it here

All of the parts of the train are also uploaded in my photostream.

This photo has been used on the following blog(s):

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