Cool All About Animals images

A few nice all about animals images I found:

Boris Badenov, Natasha Fatale, and Fearless Leader ... Pumpkin & Squash (October 21, 2012 / 5 Cheshvan 5773) ...item 2.. JFK'S "CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS" SPEECH (10/22/62)(COMPLETE AND UNCUT) ...
all about animals
Image by marsmet541
Don’t be afraid to buy a new kind of gourd at the farmer’s market or store. Sometimes, the ugliest ones are the most delightful.

........*****All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ........

... message header for photo above ... Boris Badenov, Natasha Fatale, and Fearless Leader.

Boris's missions range from trying to steal a secret rocket fuel formula to eliminating all television from the United States as part of Pottsylvania's various attempts to seize power.

Boris, who is thoroughly dedicated to (and takes delight in) all manners of nefarious deeds, would also sometimes engage in his own schemes, such as starting his own organized crime gang.

Separately from the television series, a commercial for the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show featuring Boris established that he was an active member of Local 12 of the Villains, Thieves, and Scoundrels Union. During this commercial, Boris also claims to be "the world's greatest no-goodnik."

Boris is also quite proud of the fact that the nicest thing Fearless Leader ever did for him was sending a picture of himself to Boris inscribed "Drop Dead — Fearless Leader".

.....item 1).... ... ... HOME FAMILY COOKING CORNER
Pumpkin & Squash ... Hearty, wholesome and delicious. ...

img code photo ... Pumpkin & Squash


by Wendy Margolin

October 21, 2012 / 5 Cheshvan 5773

The best part of eating fruits and vegetables in their seasons is the taste. There’s nothing like spring strawberries, summer peaches and fall squash.

The second best part? Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

We haven’t had winter squash around here since…well, last winter. Now we can’t stop eating it.

Lucky for us, there are so many more varieties of winter squash -- the possibilities are endless, but the truth is, a little salt and butter or olive oil is all any of them need to taste delicious right out of the oven.

Don’t be afraid to buy a new kind of gourd at the farmer’s market or store. Sometimes, the ugliest ones are the most delightful.


img code photo ... wendy squash #1


... 1 medium winter squash of choice
... 3 cups fresh spinach, kale or swiss chard leaves
... 4 cloves garlic
... 1 cup panko bread crumbs
... 1 egg
... 1t salt
... freshly ground pepper to taste
... mozzarella cheese (optional)

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Cut the squash in half lengthwise or in 1.5-in. slices, according to your preferred recipe. Place slices or the the halves upside down in a pan of shallow water and bake until soft (25 minutes for slices and more for larger halves). You should be able to easily pierce the squash with a fork.

Puree greens and garlic in a food processor. Combine greens mixture, egg, panko, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix thoroughly.

img code photo ... wendy squash #2


Remove the squash from the oven and drain water. Add greens mixture to the center of the squash (if you’re using halves, they should be face up. Cover greens with cheese if desired. Return to oven and bake for another 12 minute


Barbara Kingsolver’s book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, chronicling her family’s year-long locavore experience, was a combination of my favorite author and two of my favorite interests: gardening and cooking healthy food. I devoured the book and then several of the recipes in it.

This recipe for pumpkin soup, served in its shell, has become a family favorite. My kids (and guests) are thrilled when we bring the whole pumpkin to the table, remove the lid and ladle the soup right from the gourd.


... 1 pie pumpkin, made for cooking (these are smaller than the ones sold for decorating)
... 1 can coconut milk
... 8oz. soy milk
... 32 oz. water or stock
... T salt
... t cinnamon
... t ginger
... freshly ground pepper to taste

Cut the top off the pumpkin and save it for the lid. Scoop out the seeds and save them for roasting. Place the pumpkin in a tin large enough to hold it. Fill the pumpkin with the stock or water, soy milk, salt and coconut milk. Cover the hole with a piece of tin foil and replace the lid. Bake the pumpkin at 375° for 1-2 hours, depending on its thickness. Occasionally open lid and check with a spoon, carefully scraping some inside flesh into the hot liquid.

Now here’s the tricky part. The pumpkin tends to collapse after an hour or so, which won’t ruin the soup, but will ruin the cool container! As a precaution, I pour the liquid into a pot and carefully scrape some of the insides of the pumpkin into the pot as well. I continue cooking the soup in the pot, so that the total cooking time adds up to about an hour. Add the spices and puree once the pumpkin flesh in the soup is soft. To serve, reheat the soup in the pot (and the pumpkin separately in the oven–the soup will take forever to heat if you try to heat it in the pumpkin in the oven), pour the soup into the pumpkin and serve with a ladle. Good luck!

Variation: Favorite fall squash soup

Pumpkin soup in its shell always gives my kids a thrill, but most weeks, I only have time to throw together a butternut squash soup that is just as yummy. I start with a whole butternut squash, which is the least unwieldy members of the squash family, if you ask me. I chop off the ends, peel it with a peeler and scoop out the insides with a spoon. With only a few more minutes of prep time and 40 minutes simmer time, the soup is ready.


... 1 butternut squash, peeled and roughly chopped
... 1 can coconut milk
... 8oz. soy milk
... 32 oz. water or stock
... T salt
... t cinnamon
... t ginger
... 1/4 cup cashews (optional)
... freshly ground pepper to taste

img code photo ... BUTTERNUT SQUASH SOUP


Simmer all the ingredients for 40 minutes, until the squash can be easily pierced with a fork. Blend it with an immersion blender and serve (If you’re using the cashews, blend the soup in the blender).

And now for those seeds…


Toss the seeds with 2T melted butter and t salt. Roast for 45 minutes on 300 degrees, until golden brown.

img code photo ...

.....item 2).... youtube video ... JFK'S "CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS" SPEECH (10/22/62)(COMPLETE AND UNCUT) ... 18:42 minutes ...

Uploaded by DavidVonPein1 on Dec 15, 2010

President John F. Kennedy addresses the nation on the evening of Monday, October 22, 1962, as the threat of Soviet missiles in Cuba nears its peak.

This version of President Kennedy's Cuban Missile Crisis speech is somewhat rare, because it is complete and unedited. Usually only small bits and pieces of the speech are presented on television and in documentaries. But this is the entire 18-minute address from start to finish.




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Whales Hervery Bay _0493
all about animals
Image by Michael Dawes
* Average Length: (Adult) 35-50 ft (Newborn) 13-16 ft
* Average Weight: (Adult) 23-30 tons (Birth) 1-2 tons
* Population: 18,000-20,000 (2002 figure)
* Lifespan: estimated to be around 40 years (1998 figure)
* Threats: Caught in fishing nets, human disturbance, and being tangled in marine pollution
* The flukes (tails) have a distinct pattern on the underside, much like our fingerprints
* The humpback whale breaches more frequently than other baleen whales
* The Pacific humpback's pectoral fins are white underneath & black on top..
* The Atlantic humpback's pectoral fins are white on both sides- which makes it easier for us to see them
* While in their breeding grounds- the whales do NOT eat!
* Some humpbacks feed in the Southern Ocean and go north to their reproductive areas!
* Can stay underwater for 30 minutes but often dives for much shorter periods of time, usually 5 to 10 minutes
* Humpbacks emit high frequency "clicks" reaching 30,000 Hz
* The males produce, in frequencies between 20 and 9,000 Hz, songs that are the longest and the most varied in all the animal kingdom, with repeated sequences about 15 minutes long
* When they are in cold waters, the humpback whale eats 2 tons of fish and planktonic crustaceans a day, in 2 to 4 meals

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