Cool Animal Videos images

Some cool animal videos images:

20060725 - Misfit - rolls over (21s) (brightened) (xvid) (20fps) (mono snd)
animal videos
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Misfit (RIP) kind of knew how to roll over! Kind of. Sort of. Not really.

rolling over.
Misfit the cat.

downstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

July 25, 2006.

20110513 - provoking Lemonjello - actually worked, for once (33s) - MVI_3005
animal videos
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Me trying to provoke Lemonjello. We do this every now and then. Carolyn used to insist he enjoyed it, but I insisted he does not. 99% of the time I do this until my arm gets tired (see next video), and he never leaves. Whereas if you just make the computer beep for a few seconds, or play, or scream loudly -- he'll run out of the room. So he's clearly capable of leaving when he really wants to. He just doens't usually want to. Except this time. This time he actually clawed me -- something that's maybe happend 10 times ever, despite my provocations.

So in a way, this video is a failure, because the provocation actually worked for once. But in another way, I won, when I almost always lose (becuase my arm gets too tired).

Audio: Sting sample from Dune followed by Punk House by Scr33ching W3as3l.

playing, provoking, rubbing.
Lemonjello the cat.

upstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

May 13, 2011.

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