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Nice Animals Names photos

Check out these animals names images:

A stare-down with Juma, the lion
animals names
Image by TracerBullet999
This guy's name is Juma; my gosh, look at those eyes...

Everyone who passed by the lion exhibit couldn't help but remark on how much they wanted to jump in the exhibit and pet Juma, because he was just "soo cute." Now I know why there's a ravine separating the lions from the people -- it's to keep the visitors from jumping in!

Eurasian elk - resting

A few nice types of animals images I found:

Eurasian elk - resting
types of animals
Image by Bushman.K
I've made this photo with 140mm focal length to give the idea about environment. It's frozen boggy place, surrounded by different types of willow trees and aspens

types of animals
Image by Fool-On-The-Hill
There are 2 Species of Bison in the World, the European Bison,AKA Wisent(endangered) and the American Bison,with 2 subspecies, the Plains Bison,here, and the larger Wood Bison of northwestern Canada and Alaska. see , Bison are a type of wooly wild cattle,closely related to Yaks and more distantly to bovines in the genus Bos. They are less closely related to African Buffalo(Syncerus caffer), and so they are NOT a buffalo. Geek rant over.

Kissing Bears

A few nice stuff animals images I found:

Kissing Bears
stuff animals
Image by aswirlymatrix
I found these in the sales department. Mine now!

who are you? #1
stuff animals
Image by
Who are you? Where have you been from?

stuff animals
Image by 365DaysOfChelsea

Nice Animal Puppy photos

A few nice animal puppy images I found:

Albi in the grass
animal puppy
Image by StephenandMelanie

Ah. I see what you've done there
animal puppy
Image by Pixel Playa

Nice Animal Game photos

Check out these animal game images:

3 Pigs!
animal game
Image by Annette Blachere
Roses are red,
violets are blue
I like farm animals
Moo, Moo!

Nice Free Animals photos

A few nice free animals images I found:

Veal Crates
free animals
Image by Farm Sanctuary
Veal Crates

(Feel free to distribute freely for not-for-profit use, but please credit Farm Sanctuary. If you are media and are in need of a high-resolution version of this image, please contact us at and request the file "vealcow02_300_1".)

free animals
Image by Yuukichi Ikeda
No reproduction or republication without written permission.
My illustration is not free web graphics
and My illustration not belong on your weblog (avater), website,Material

Frontier Hazard

Some cool extinct animal images:

Frontier Hazard
extinct animal
Image by Nicholas_T
Marker along PA Route 287 near English Center, Lycoming County.

Eastern mountain lions were so feared that Pennsylvania once enacted bounties against them. The animals were likely extirpated from the state by the 1890s. In a press release issued in 2011, the US Fish and Wildlife Service declared, officially, that the animals were extinct.

Cool Endangered Animal images

A few nice endangered animal images I found:

Amur Leopard 4
endangered animal
Image by ahisgett
The Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis), also known as the Manchurian leopard. It is critically endangered, with maybe less than 30 individuals left in the wild.

Amur Leopard 3
endangered animal
Image by ahisgett
The Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis), also known as the Manchurian leopard. It is critically endangered, with maybe less than 30 individuals left in the wild.

Amur Leopard 6
endangered animal
Image by ahisgett
The Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis), also known as the Manchurian leopard. It is critically endangered, with maybe less than 30 individuals left in the wild.

Cool Stuffed Toy Animals images

Check out these stuffed toy animals images:

Every good boy deserves ice-cream
stuffed toy animals
Image by lovely lemur
... although he's never been good enough to deserve two

Cool Animal Names images

A few nice animal names images I found:

We love each other
animal names
Image by Takashi(aes256)
This photo is taken at cat cafe "Neko no Mahou" or "Magic of cats"
Info of the cat on the right:
Name: Tora
Gender: Female

Info of the cat on the left:
Name: Louis
Gender: Male




Canon EOS 7D + Canon EF 85mm F1.2L II USM

Malayan Sambar male deer (Rusa unicolor equinus)
animal names
Image by warriorwoman531
The Sambar (Rusa unicolor) is a large deer native to southern and southeast Asia. Although it primarily refers to R. unicolor, the name "Sambar" is also sometimes used to refer to the Philippine Deer (called the Philippine Sambar) and the Rusa Deer (called the Sunda Sambar).

The Malayan Sambar (Rusa unicolor equinus) is a large deer native to Sumatra and a subspecies of Sambar.

Photographed at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in Escondido, CA

Smew drake
animal names
Image by greyloch
This is a Smew drake (male). Smews (yeah, I laughed at the name as well ^.^) are a mid-sized duck from Europe. His coloring brings to mind a reversed-colored penguin. The males coloring is also referred to as "cracked ice" or "panda."

Nice Wild Animals photos

A few nice wild animals images I found:

right side
wild animals
Image by marfis75

Eyes of the Leopard
wild animals
Image by Abishesh

Savage Thought and Myth in the Structure of Japanese

Check out these animal jobs images:

Savage Thought and Myth in the Structure of Japanese
animal jobs
Image by timtak
This post layers Suzuki Takao's layers a theory of the Japanese language, onto Roland Barthes theory of "myth" and Levi-Straus's theorey of "the savage mind." Starting with the bottom layers first.

Claude Levi-Strauss argued that "savages" are "bricoleurs" (people that use the tools and materials to hand to get a job done), in that they use things, usually found in the natural world, to categorise and organise their societies.

Thus *savages* in totemistic societies may have "Black Hawk" and "White Hawk" groups, and be called by names like "Sitting Bull." They use species of bird and animal as names for clans, families and individuals, because these things are useful to get the job of social categorisation done, and thus "good to think."

Had Levi-Strauss been more rigorous (I jest) he would have given pause to the fact that, even amongst his examples, some totemist use *mythical* and *artificial* signs. He mentions "Water Flask" and "Dragon" tribes. Concentrating on these man-made signs Levi-Strauss' definition of "the savage as bricoleur" starts to become rather vague. If the savage can make up entities (such as dragons) to use as names then how is the savage different from "Levi" named after some ancient Jews Strauss"? If the savage can use man-made objects as names, then why not use patterns, write his name "LEVI" and be done with it. And if he did, would he still be a savage? The problem with Levi-Strauss for me is that, I can't find the place where he compares savages to himself, or where he explains what we are doing, and whether and in what way what they are doing is different. (As far as I am aware, I am a bricoleur too. My name is Timothy, the name of a semi-mythical 'beast' found in the Bible.)

Then Roland Barthes comes to the rescue with his theory of "Mythological" signs. I think that despite the fact Barthes analyses magazine covers and pasta advertisements,he uses the word "Mythologiges" because he is harking back to Levi-Strauss above, and providing a semiotic distinction between us and them, between anthropologist and the mythologist, the scientist and the bricoleur. The distinction of myth, mythological thought, and the savage mind is that it uses signs in combination at a two teired level of "denotation" and "connotation." The briocoleur/mythologists uses second level, connotative signs, that is to say signs in combination that are already signs for other things (see diagram, inset bottom right).

Hence, the black boy and the saluting (a flag) shown on the cover of Paris Match, are in themselves signs. We recognise them and their meanings, of respect, youth, and Africa etc. The cover becomes mythic because it combines these signs to present a new meaning: imperialism is good, all of France's colonial subjects respect the French flag.

Suzuki Takao argues that the Japanese language is appropriate for use as an International Language. I happen to agree. The principle reason he gives is interesting, one that I had not grasped, and relates to the discussion of myth, or savage thought above. Suzuki argues that the advantage of Japanese is in the two-teired way that it is "agglutinative". A simple definition of aggluntinative is that, in ancient greek (soci-ology) and modern German (auto-bahn) one can form words by joining other words together. In Japanese however, the situation is a little more mythological, the process of agglutination often involves an extra layer. In Japanese, while there are cases in which one simply joins words together (e.g. torihiki, pull-push meaning negotiations), one can form complex words by combining the signs, or Kanji, for everyday words.

This layering of Japanese can be discussed at two levels.

At the level of discussion of the merits of the Japanese language, or German and Japanese respectively, the layered nature of Japanese makes it a lot more compact. Complex German words are formed by joining shorter simple, everyday words together, resulting in some very long compound words. Japanese on the other hand uses the signs, or Kanji, for the everyday words and joins these together instead. Since the Kanji have shorter (kun yomi) names of their own, long compounds can be said using far fewer syllables. In Suzuki Takao's example the round lighting devise used above operating tables in hospitals is "Schattenfreie Lampe" (Shadow-Free-Lamp) in German, and "mu-kei-tou"(無影灯)in Japanese. It gets to be a lot shorter in Japanese because mu, kei and tou are the names for the signs that represents "no shadow lamp" (nai, kage, akari). So while learners of Japanese may think it a pain in the neck that Japanese not only has Kanji, but also has more than one name for each, Suzuki argues that it is this layered structure that makes Japanese so successful in expressing complicated meanings, using a few (1000-2000) simple buildings blocks, without resulting in some very long words.

At another level, it seems to mean that Japanese are always being "mythologists" or "bricoleuers" as defined by Roland Barthes and Levi-Strauss in that they are using the denotive signs for every-day things in combination to connote new meanings. They are still engaging in "savage thought."

And so what? I am not sure, but I think that it relates to:

Roland Barthes claim that Japan is "The Empire of the Signs"

Jane M. Bachnik's discussion of the prevalance and importance of "indexes" in Japan, in her opening chapter of "Situated Meaning." (Would Barthes have written "The empire of the indexes" had he been more precise? Are totems indexes? Are indexes always dual, dennotive and connotive?)

My claim that Shinto is a form of totemism that stopped using stones and branches and grass (as related in detail by Kunio Yanagita, back in the days when "everything used to talk") as their totemic badges, and started to use Kanji for their names (when, thanks to the splendid emperial rule "everything stopped talking")

The fact that Japanese superheros are totemists. Please click on the tags for related posts.

animal jobs
Image by Deannster
You'd think my blog had turned into Animal Kingdom or "When Cats Attack!" week here over at Deannster & Co. But no, it's just me, snapping away at anyone or anything that will pose... whether they are willing or not.

I've found that I learn a lot about portraiture when working with animals. I learn how to handle someone or something that is not going to just sit there and smile on command. They don't want to sit still, they don't want to do what you tell them to do. So I employ tricks and wiles and whatever it takes to get the job done. Same goes for little kids and some adults.

Here are a few of Old Blue Eyes... he hasn't made an appearance since last January-ish, so I figured you guys wouldn't be burned out if he was the feature this week...

Although I bill myself as a "natural light photographer," sometimes, you just can't get the shot you want with available light. So you gotta improvise. Or in my case, learn about actual lighting. I've got a flash... now I'm starting to learn how to use it.

In other good news, I found this amazing place by my work that would make a great backdrop for a portrait session. It reminds me a lot of the creek behind my grandmother's house where I used to spend a lot of time as a kid. Not only does it make me a little nostalgic, but I am now able to appreciate the different elements that give it such good lighting. I already have a couple subjects in mind... stay tuned for some new stuff.

PhotonQ-Exploring Oceans 2.0
animal jobs
Image by PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE
Few years ago I lived on a diving boat, on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
Probably the most beautiful place and coolest job I got to spend some time in, and was fun to call it home.

Waking up early, under a perfect sky with a clear Milky Way, gearing up and diving in the dark with a light.
It is like going into space, with full dimension liberty, and the only spacial landmarks were lights from the boat or diving-friends. Once you turned your back or were behind a coral reef, it was like floating in the void. Alone in the would think...until life would come from every sides, swimming, diving, propulsing and speeding around you.

Little stars would jump in front of your eyes. At first they looked far away, then the brain would adapt and the illusion gone, you would see little bioluminescent animals, switching on and off, like pulsars and stars.
The under water world was full of fishes sharks, krills, turtles, dolphins, whales, birds, rays and many more amazing living creatures, ambassadors of the Earth 's diversity.

Then it was time to swim back to the surface... looking at the aquasky turning from dark to red,orange,green and blue. Bring back some cool memories....miss the ocean =)

Since then I became hooked on by Oceans, and their explorations.
And something really cool is happening this month. How about diving live at 4 kilometres under the surface to the Titanic :

Expedition Titanic : Scientists hope to 'virtually' raise the Titanic.

A team of scientists will launch an expedition to the Titanic this month to assess the deteriorating condition of the world's most famous shipwreck and create a detailed three-dimensional map that will "virtually raise the Titanic" for the public.

They will bring the public to the wreck, virtually raising the Titanic, through 3-D maps and real-time video of the mission.

In a pair of two-week voyages, underwater robots will take three-dimensional sonar and video images of the bow, stern and debris field from the wreck. Then, teams will return to take samples from the decaying iron of its hull, aimed at answering questions about the mechanism of its demise.

The expedition is set to launch from St. John's, N.L. on Aug. 18 and is slated to take at least 20 days. Heralding the mission as "the most technologically advanced scientific expedition ever," DaVino said the public will have access to videos and photos, and will be able to interact with some crew members on, which launches Aug. 3....

+ this week a great TED talk went online from the Mission Blue Voyage.
Have a look, fascinating and brilliant, it is from : John Delaney: Wiring an interactive ocean

"Oceanographer John Delaney is leading the team that is building an underwater network of high-def cameras and sensors that will turn our ocean into a global interactive lab -- sparking an explosion of rich data about the world below."

Learn more on the website Interactive Oceans

Nice Types Of Animals photos

Check out these types of animals images:

Overview of the Saint Peter's Square from the steps of Saint Peter's Basilica - Youssouf in Vatican City, Rome, Italy - 10 August 2006
types of animals
Image by David d'O
I did not see the pope. But I had the most lovely sunny weather looking out over the square where all the people can sit on Sundays. The Saint Peter's Basilica is beautiful.

For more info see Saint Peter's Square on Wikipedia.

Have a look at the blog post at Youssouf's Sheeplog with this photo.

To see where this photo was taken exactly, have a look at the interactive map and zoom in and out for a better overview.

Youssouf (cuddly sheep / world traveller)

Vulcanic rocks 1 - Youssouf at the Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala - 13 April 2007
types of animals
Image by David d'O
This was where the lava flow stopped. The grass still present. The rocks are solid and cold now.

Have a look at the blog post at Youssouf's Sheeplog with this photo.

Have a look of the video I shot of me with the lava: Youssouf at the lava on YouTube.

To see where this photo was taken exactly, have a look at the interactive map and zoom in and out for a better overview.

Vulcanic rocks 2 - Youssouf at the Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala - 13 April 2007
types of animals
Image by David d'O
This was where the lava flow stopped. The grass still present. The rocks are solid and cold now.

Have a look at the blog post at Youssouf's Sheeplog with this photo.

Have a look of the video I shot of me with the lava: Youssouf at the lava on YouTube.

To see where this photo was taken exactly, have a look at the interactive map and zoom in and out for a better overview.

Cool African Animals images

Check out these african animals images:

African elephant
african animals
Image by Arno Meintjes Wildlife

African Elephants - side
african animals
Image by John Federico

African Elephants - front
african animals
Image by John Federico

Nice Animal Pound photos

Check out these animal pound images:

Male Giant Panda - Tian Tian
animal pound
Image by dherman1145
This is Tian Tian, the male half of the adult giant panda pair living at the Washington DC National Zoological Park. His name means "more and more."At over 260 pounds, Tian Tian is a whole lot of powerful for such a cuddly looking animal. This image was taken as he was rummaging for food in his outdoor yard. Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): the scientific name means, "black and white cat-footed animal."

Hello! :-)

Some cool animal planet images:

Hello! :-)
animal planet
Image by stratman2 (2 many pix!)
A closeup and slightly cropped of a common black swan.

animal planet
Image by Josh Kesner

animal planet
Image by luisVilanova

20070928 - new computer - 138-3824 - Beavis inside the case box

A few nice video of animals images I found:

20070928 - new computer - 138-3824 - Beavis inside the case box
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Beavis liked boxes. We had lots of fun watching him try to climb up the side of the box to Clint's new computer case.

Beavis the cat, box, styrofoam packaging.

Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

September 28, 2007.

... Read my blog at
... Read Carolyn's blog at

... View videos of Beavis the cat at

...View Beavis jumping out of this box (when it is stood up vertically) here:

20071109 - hanging out - Beavis - attacking AE's hand, claws extended - (by AE!) - 1988392209_7d82894f48_o
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Beavis on the attack.

attacking, biting, playing.
Beavis the cat, claw, hand, whisker.

Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

November 9, 2007.
Pic by Aaron.

... Read my blog at
... Read Carolyn's blog at

... View videos of Beavis the cat at
... View Aaron's photos at

Addio piccole gattine , buona fortuna ! Goodbye sweet kittens , good luck !

Some cool images of animals images:

Addio piccole gattine , buona fortuna ! Goodbye sweet kittens , good luck !
images of animals
Image by Viola & Cats / Sorry absent (broken pc)
Do not use my images without my permission .
Non utilizzare le mie immagini senza il mio consenso .

Today was yet another sad day for me .....
I separated my sweetest kittens with me, and was really hard, tears ran down, I was very fond of them.
I really heartbroken, I always think about every day to the sweet Micky, and now the kittens ..... I hope with all my heart that the families get to access the well and will want to give them as much love as I did with them .
Good luck sweet little kittens ....

Oggi ancora stata un'altra giornata triste per me .....
mi sono separata con me mie dolcissime gattine , è stato veramente difficile , mi scendevano le lacrime , mi sono molto affezionata a loro .
Ho veramente il cuore a pezzi , penso sempre ogni giorno alla dolce Micky , e adesso anche le gattine .....spero con tutto il cuore che le troverano le famiglie che le vorrano bene e daranno a loro tanto amore come fatto io con loro .
Buona fortuna piccole dolce gattine ....

adesso si trovano nella protezione animali , saranno microcippate , e poi messe in adottazione .

What’s New at the National Zoo this Spring

A few nice extinct animal images I found:

What’s New at the National Zoo this Spring
extinct animal
Image by Smithsonian's National Zoo
Photo Credit: Jim Jenkins, Smithsonian's National Zoo

In this photo: Rhea chick

Visitors strolling through the Smithsonian’s National Zoo one of these beautiful spring days will see a variety of baby animals, some new faces and enjoy an entirely new food experience. Below are just a few of the new critters and experiences visitors can expect. More than 30 animal demonstrations take place every day in which visitors can encounter fascinating creatures and chat with keepers about the Zoo’s conservation efforts. To view the demonstration schedule, visit

1.Baby Bird Bonanza Catch a glimpse of some of the world’s most endangered birds and their chicks up-close at the Bird House. A baby boom officially began March 7 when a brown kiwi hatched from his shell. The Zoo’s flock soon expanded to include a wattled crane, two Guam rails, three rheas and two sunbittern chicks. They’re growing fast, so bird watchers should plan to visit the Bird House in the next few weeks. Soon, the wattled crane chick will be six feet tall!

2.See Some Impressive Tortoises For the first time in its history, the Reptile Discovery Center will exhibit impressed tortoises. Not much is known about these reptiles, so Zoo biologists will study their growth and behavior. The two sub-adult males sport golden brown and black patterned shells, but this beauty has also made them vulnerable to extinction. Along with habitat loss, the pet trade contributes to the population decline of impressed tortoises in their native Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.

3.Zoo-perior Food An entirely new dining experience awaits visitors at the National Zoo thanks to its new food partner, Sodexo. Cafés and concession stands will serve a wide variety of authentic ethnic cuisines, as well as healthier versions of traditional favorites. What’s more, ingredients are local, seasonal and sustainable. The menus for six food service stations are available on the Zoo’s website.

4.New Neighbors at the Cheetah Conservation Station Two young scimitar-horned oryx named Sweeney and Omar are the newest residents at the Zoo’s African savanna exhibit. These large desert antelope sport horns that are several feet long and resemble a long, curved scimitar—a type of Arabian sword. The half-brothers were born at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Va., last year. Native to northern Africa, scimitar-horned Oryx are considered extinct in the wild by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

5.The Inside Story For an in-depth perspective on why animals behave the way they do, stop by the Small Mammal House this May and check out its new exhibit: “The Inside Story.” Learn how anteaters eat without any teeth, how a Prevost squirrel nimbly jumps from branch to branch, and more. Artifacts and x-rays of animals’ skulls, muscles, and tails will show visitors how adaptations help animals survive in a changing world.

Visitors are encouraged to take public transportation to the National Zoo. Parking lots fill up by mid-morning and then free up early afternoon during spring and summer. Last admittance to the Zoo is 7 p.m. To reserve a parking space 48 hours in advance, call Friends of the National Zoo Guest Services at 202-633-4486 between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Parking reservation fees of for FONZ members and for nonmembers apply.

# # #

What’s New at the National Zoo this Spring
extinct animal
Image by Smithsonian's National Zoo
Photo Credit: Jim Jenkins, Smithsonian's National Zoo

In this photo: Guam rail chick

Visitors strolling through the Smithsonian’s National Zoo one of these beautiful spring days will see a variety of baby animals, some new faces and enjoy an entirely new food experience. Below are just a few of the new critters and experiences visitors can expect. More than 30 animal demonstrations take place every day in which visitors can encounter fascinating creatures and chat with keepers about the Zoo’s conservation efforts. To view the demonstration schedule, visit

1.Baby Bird Bonanza Catch a glimpse of some of the world’s most endangered birds and their chicks up-close at the Bird House. A baby boom officially began March 7 when a brown kiwi hatched from his shell. The Zoo’s flock soon expanded to include a wattled crane, two Guam rails, three rheas and two sunbittern chicks. They’re growing fast, so bird watchers should plan to visit the Bird House in the next few weeks. Soon, the wattled crane chick will be six feet tall!

2.See Some Impressive Tortoises For the first time in its history, the Reptile Discovery Center will exhibit impressed tortoises. Not much is known about these reptiles, so Zoo biologists will study their growth and behavior. The two sub-adult males sport golden brown and black patterned shells, but this beauty has also made them vulnerable to extinction. Along with habitat loss, the pet trade contributes to the population decline of impressed tortoises in their native Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.

3.Zoo-perior Food An entirely new dining experience awaits visitors at the National Zoo thanks to its new food partner, Sodexo. Cafés and concession stands will serve a wide variety of authentic ethnic cuisines, as well as healthier versions of traditional favorites. What’s more, ingredients are local, seasonal and sustainable. The menus for six food service stations are available on the Zoo’s website.

4.New Neighbors at the Cheetah Conservation Station Two young scimitar-horned oryx named Sweeney and Omar are the newest residents at the Zoo’s African savanna exhibit. These large desert antelope sport horns that are several feet long and resemble a long, curved scimitar—a type of Arabian sword. The half-brothers were born at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Va., last year. Native to northern Africa, scimitar-horned Oryx are considered extinct in the wild by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

5.The Inside Story For an in-depth perspective on why animals behave the way they do, stop by the Small Mammal House this May and check out its new exhibit: “The Inside Story.” Learn how anteaters eat without any teeth, how a Prevost squirrel nimbly jumps from branch to branch, and more. Artifacts and x-rays of animals’ skulls, muscles, and tails will show visitors how adaptations help animals survive in a changing world.

Visitors are encouraged to take public transportation to the National Zoo. Parking lots fill up by mid-morning and then free up early afternoon during spring and summer. Last admittance to the Zoo is 7 p.m. To reserve a parking space 48 hours in advance, call Friends of the National Zoo Guest Services at 202-633-4486 between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Parking reservation fees of for FONZ members and for nonmembers apply.

# # #

Cool Animals images

Some cool animals images:

Animal Kingdom - Bat Portal
Image by SpreadTheMagic
Details from the Maharajah Jungle Trek.

Animal Study
Image by howpinz

Nice Animal Puppy photos

A few nice animal puppy images I found:

sleeping puppy
animal puppy
Image by Ron,Ron,Ron
The pup was tired so I let him take a nap under a fallen log.

Cute Dog
animal puppy
Image by Dhaval Jani
friend's friend's dog by the beach

Istanbul dog
animal puppy
Image by CyberMacs

Nice Animal Planet photos

Check out these animal planet images:

Rossz Kutya!
animal planet
Image by lwpkommunikacio
Némelyik háziállat alaposan próbára teszi gazdája szeretetét és türelmét. Hatrészes sorozatunk bejárja a világot, hogy megtalálja a világ legcsintalanabb kiskedvenceit. Ravasz macskákkal, romboló kutyákkal és őrjöngő rágcsálókkal, valamint káromkodó madarakkal is találkozhatunk- de nem maradhatnak ki a minden hájjal megkent nagyobb testű háziállatok sem, melyek bemutatják, milyen az, ha az ember barátai úgy viselkednek, mintha a legádázabb ellenségei lennének. De vajon melyikük a legcsintalanabb mind közül?

Rossz Kutya!
animal planet
Image by lwpkommunikacio
Némelyik háziállat alaposan próbára teszi gazdája szeretetét és türelmét. Hatrészes sorozatunk bejárja a világot, hogy megtalálja a világ legcsintalanabb kiskedvenceit. Ravasz macskákkal, romboló kutyákkal és őrjöngő rágcsálókkal, valamint káromkodó madarakkal is találkozhatunk- de nem maradhatnak ki a minden hájjal megkent nagyobb testű háziállatok sem, melyek bemutatják, milyen az, ha az ember barátai úgy viselkednek, mintha a legádázabb ellenségei lennének. De vajon melyikük a legcsintalanabb mind közül?

Rossz Kutya!
animal planet
Image by lwpkommunikacio
Némelyik háziállat alaposan próbára teszi gazdája szeretetét és türelmét. Hatrészes sorozatunk bejárja a világot, hogy megtalálja a világ legcsintalanabb kiskedvenceit. Ravasz macskákkal, romboló kutyákkal és őrjöngő rágcsálókkal, valamint káromkodó madarakkal is találkozhatunk- de nem maradhatnak ki a minden hájjal megkent nagyobb testű háziállatok sem, melyek bemutatják, milyen az, ha az ember barátai úgy viselkednek, mintha a legádázabb ellenségei lennének. De vajon melyikük a legcsintalanabb mind közül?

Barra libre de mel! -- Free bar, Honey for everyone!

A few nice animals for free images I found:

Barra libre de mel! -- Free bar, Honey for everyone!
animals for free
Image by Anxo Resúa
-f:14 nominal
-Cámara: sony a200
-Obxetivo: cosina 100 macro +69mm de tubos de extension, co que acado unha magnificación de 1,7x
-iluminación: Flash metz mecablitz 36 montado nun lateral cun bracket caseiro e un difusor de tipo "tenda"
-Apoiado no chan

How European Zoos are treating their Animals [SEMINAR]
animals for free
Image by ALDEADLE Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for EU
Photo from the Event

How European Zoos are treating their Animals [SEMINAR]
animals for free
Image by ALDEADLE Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for EU
Mr. Chris Davies [MEP]