A few nice types of animals images I found:
Eurasian elk - resting
Image by Bushman.K
I've made this photo with 140mm focal length to give the idea about environment. It's frozen boggy place, surrounded by different types of willow trees and aspens
Image by Fool-On-The-Hill
There are 2 Species of Bison in the World, the European Bison,AKA Wisent(endangered) and the American Bison,with 2 subspecies, the Plains Bison,here, and the larger Wood Bison of northwestern Canada and Alaska. see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bison , Bison are a type of wooly wild cattle,closely related to Yaks and more distantly to bovines in the genus Bos. They are less closely related to African Buffalo(Syncerus caffer), and so they are NOT a buffalo. Geek rant over.