Nice Types Of Animals photos

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Overview of the Saint Peter's Square from the steps of Saint Peter's Basilica - Youssouf in Vatican City, Rome, Italy - 10 August 2006
types of animals
Image by David d'O
I did not see the pope. But I had the most lovely sunny weather looking out over the square where all the people can sit on Sundays. The Saint Peter's Basilica is beautiful.

For more info see Saint Peter's Square on Wikipedia.

Have a look at the blog post at Youssouf's Sheeplog with this photo.

To see where this photo was taken exactly, have a look at the interactive map and zoom in and out for a better overview.

Youssouf (cuddly sheep / world traveller)

Vulcanic rocks 1 - Youssouf at the Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala - 13 April 2007
types of animals
Image by David d'O
This was where the lava flow stopped. The grass still present. The rocks are solid and cold now.

Have a look at the blog post at Youssouf's Sheeplog with this photo.

Have a look of the video I shot of me with the lava: Youssouf at the lava on YouTube.

To see where this photo was taken exactly, have a look at the interactive map and zoom in and out for a better overview.

Vulcanic rocks 2 - Youssouf at the Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala - 13 April 2007
types of animals
Image by David d'O
This was where the lava flow stopped. The grass still present. The rocks are solid and cold now.

Have a look at the blog post at Youssouf's Sheeplog with this photo.

Have a look of the video I shot of me with the lava: Youssouf at the lava on YouTube.

To see where this photo was taken exactly, have a look at the interactive map and zoom in and out for a better overview.

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