A few nice animals for free images I found:
Barra libre de mel! -- Free bar, Honey for everyone!
Image by Anxo Resúa
-f:14 nominal
-Cámara: sony a200
-Obxetivo: cosina 100 macro +69mm de tubos de extension, co que acado unha magnificación de 1,7x
-iluminación: Flash metz mecablitz 36 montado nun lateral cun bracket caseiro e un difusor de tipo "tenda"
-Apoiado no chan
How European Zoos are treating their Animals [SEMINAR]
Image by ALDEADLE Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for EU
Photo from the Event
How European Zoos are treating their Animals [SEMINAR]
Image by ALDEADLE Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for EU
Mr. Chris Davies [MEP]